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Ways to improve on PES 2010


Registered User
1. How long have you been playing PES?

About five years.

2. What are the aspects that you like most about PES?

That it strives to simulate the sport.

3. What are the aspects that you don’t like about PES?

Here's some things that stick out to me as ways to improve on PES 2010, in no particular order (and I may add to this over time as I think of more things):

-There needs to be handballs. They are a part of soccer. I had a play where I crossed it into the box, the defender went up to head it away, and it went off his forearm instead. It was a clear handball, even without looking at the replay, and it didn't feel right that it wasn't called.

-Give users the ability to edit all kits, even licensed ones. In Master League and Become A Legend it doesn't make sense that teams use the same kits year after year. So giving people the option to edit all the kits would be an easy way to remedy this, or at least put in a slot for a third kit which people could customize to their liking.

-Give people a way to convert saved replays into actual video files. While it is nice to be able to save replays to the hard drive, it would be nicer to be able to easily convert them to actual video files and combine them into a video compilation to post on the web.

-Make defenders more aggressive. The back line plays the passing lanes too much and rarely goes in for a tackle. This makes shots from distance and crossing from the wing a bit too easy. It also means that there are pretty much no penalty kicks.

-Make throw ins more realistic. As is throw ins are too simple. Maybe add quick throw ins, and the ability to switch to the player receiving the ball so you could move him around the pitch.

-Add the ability to copy partial data from edit files. This would make editing a lot easier and more user friendly.

-Make free kicks easier. They seem too hard this year. I've gone multiple seasons without having scored one or having one scored on me by the computer AI.

-Add a weekly highlight show to Master League and Become A Legend modes. Having some sort of highlight show, with goals of the week and an update of the tables to see where you stand, would make these modes a lot more immersive. It'd also be great to see a play you made be shown on the highlight show.


Registered User

-More emblem slots. I'd like to see enough emblem slots to replace all the generic ones, including those in Group B where all the lettered emblems are.

-More realistic player growth. In Be A Legend mode I have my player improving in areas that don't really make sense. Physical attributes such as power and speed should start out high and decline as a player ages, and mental attributes should start out low and increase as a player gains experience. The player should be at the peak of his career when those two lines cross at the highest point.

-Sell the ad space on the sideline boards. This would not only be more realistic, it would also bring in revenue.

-Allow the editing of the league and cup logos. I mean, why not?

-More realistic injuries. In this years game there just don't seem to be enough injuries.


Registered User
And more:

-Different game speeds: slow, medium, fast. While this year's game seems a bit fast, it is easy to get used to. Still, I think it would be of benefit to give people options.

-Custom tournaments and leagues. PES 2010 restricts people to choosing from between a very short list of tournaments and leagues in "League/Cup" mode. It would be nice to be able to set up things yourself in a custom league or tournament.


Registered User
1) Bring back the option of another player being able to choose to play as the CPU opposition team when you are playing offline tournaments and leagues with your mates. This is the single biggest problem my friends and I have with PES since it was removed as an option on the next gen consoles. (It's still available on PS2 version of PES 2010.) I would go as far as to say I may not buy PES 2011 if this option is still disabled. Bring this option back! This could actually be so easily fixed with a patch for PES 2010. We've been waiting 3 years for it's return, come on Konami!
2) Referees need to be stricter and more intelligent, i.e, play advantages when an advantage should be played etc. I don't want them to be perfect, in fact it would be better if they made some wrong calls, as in real life. Just don't make them as poor as in PES 2010!
3) Improve goalkeepers ability
4) Improve the somewhat clunky animations (Though this seems to have been improved a bit with the last DLC/"patch"

1) Bring back the option of choosing game speed, as was available on PS2 versions. For me gameplay speed is too fast, for others it's fine. The option to choose game speed should keep everyone happy.
2) Fix all silly bugs such as formation not saving etc etc BEFORE the game is released next time! Things like this should be spotted during game testing
3) Tweak the player form arrows system. It's realistic that players aren't going to be always in good form, but it seems they are in poor form with purple arrows too much and too randomly in PES 2010

Not essential, but would be nice:
1) More teams, even if they are blank teams that can be edited, maybe another Other Leagues C with 18 more blank teams. FIFA will have the licences sewn up, let's face it, but with the excellent editing possibilities of PES it doesn't matter so much
2) Much more stadiums. Even if they were available on Playstation Store, say 10 extra stadiums for 2.99. Also a stadium creating edit mode would be good
3) More save slots available for emblems, kit templates
4) I'd prefer the return of the PES shop rather than the current way of unlocking classic teams/players
I'll add more as I think of them. I agree with all the suggestions made by Blazer89


Registered User
A few more:

-Fix the penalties. I'm sure this has been touched upon by others, but I have played four seasons in BAL and have yet to see a penalty given. That's just nonsense.

-Global "Team Styles" editor. As noted by a thread I started (LINK) in the main discussion forum, I have found that adjusting team styles is useful for making the game play a bit better. Going through each team to make these adjustments is a pain in the rear. It would be great to have a global editor for these, so we could for example raise the "Pressing" setting for all, or some, of the teams.

-Drills in the practice arena that act as a controls tutorial. It would be great to be able to go through a series of drills to hone your skills. It would also be great if these drills were comprehensive too, covering every last control in the game.

-More commentary language options. It would be cool to have every language for every league. If I'm playing in the Eredivisie it would be nice to have the option to hear the commentary in Dutch, and it would seem more authentic that way.


Registered User
I agree with a lot of these changes. Here are some I would like to see.
I would add better physics and more fluid animations for players (inverse kinematics...).
-For example, fifa 10 looks very fluid and players are animated and react well.
Tackles in pes can be more dynamic, and good defenders can make fair tackles from difficult angles.
See this guy's post:

Improved reaction times
-I think performing trick moves successfully should occasionally have a greater impact on less experienced players. Also player reactions after taking knocks or turning should be decreased. Players like Arshavin should be able to recover from stumbles and take shots quicker.

Better AI for both opponents and team mates.
Customizable Refs
-Player can set how strict the ref should be.

More physical play
-Big defenders and midfielders should be able to shove/force smaller players off the ball. Agile players should be able to "dodge" or use these challenges to their advantage. For example, players like messi can occasionally "ride" tackles.

Better/more creative midfield play.
-pes 2010 is an end to end game, especially online where speed, defense and attack rule. I feel that the creativity and strategy in the midfield, where attacks are started, is bare minimal in this pes.
-In pes 2010 players like messi, ronaldo, lennon... can speed through defenses which is kinda realistic and adds value to the players, but midfielder players like fabregas who can open up the field and spearhead attacks seem to be undervalued.

And Konami should bring back what they dropped from previous pes games, like snow as weather.


Registered User
Some very good points here, and well explained

As an aside, Blazer, they already sell the ad space for revenue. Did you notice the Harry Potter ads last year? The T&Cs + credits mention the name of the software they use, can't remember its name.

Futsal, Messi already rides an insane number of tackles in this game when compared to other players. And Arshavin can shoot ridiculously well with either foot, even under pressure. You wanna make em superhuman?!?!? lol

You can already shove players off the ball - start practising supercancel and better positional runs/play when defending. Press R2 when a tackle comes in to hop over it, you'll prob lose the ball though. Good dribblers move their nonstanding leg out of the way of a tackle automatically which is nice.

For offline anyway, its definitely a midfield game. Don't have the reliable internet for online so cant comment there.

Everything else is bona fide good feedback!


Registered User
Futsal, Messi already rides an insane number of tackles in this game when compared to other players. And Arshavin can shoot ridiculously well with either foot, even under pressure. You wanna make em superhuman?!?!? lol

You can already shove players off the ball - start practising supercancel and better positional runs/play when defending. Press R2 when a tackle comes in to hop over it, you'll prob lose the ball though. Good dribblers move their nonstanding leg out of the way of a tackle automatically which is nice.

For offline anyway, its definitely a midfield game. Don't have the reliable internet for online so cant comment there.

Everything else is bona fide good feedback!
Hmm.. Yeah.
Online I think is end to end though. I guess I am wrong about arshavin and messi. I dunno, but to me a lot of players don't feel like they do in real life. I will practice your tips with super cancel and all that, and hopefully that would solve my problem. I still think that the midfield play could use some work.


Registered User
More ideas:

-Have real sponsors in Master League. This could bring in revenue, as well as add to the realism of the game.

-Have team's kits change in Master League based on new sponsorship. And I mean all teams, not just the user controlled team. This too could really add to the depth of Mater League, especially if those sponsors are real world companies and not just fictional ones.

-Make feints easier.
As is they are way too hard and convoluted, and as such don't become an integral part of the game like they should. I suggest moving them to the right analog stick, and having them not be in relation to where the player is facing on the pitch. In other words up on the right analog stick would always translate to the way the player is facing. So if you wanted to execute a drag back move, you press R1 (on PS3) to stop the ball, and then down on the right analog stick. Because really, performing a drag back move should be so easy.


Registered User
You cant edit license kits and thats how it should stay. Compared to other sports games out there football licensing is a pain in the ass more than it has to be imo lets not complicate things. I agree with the rest of these points though.


Registered User
How about also having manager transfers in ML, so if you are successful with bringing a lower team up, bigger teams could offer you control. That way, you could move up the ranks and manage better teams with bigger budgets. Maybe you could also have access to becoming a national team coach. So, in ML you could check players of that nationality's form and select the best players to make your own team and compete in qualifiers and tournaments.


Registered User
You cant edit license kits and thats how it should stay. Compared to other sports games out there football licensing is a pain in the ass more than it has to be imo lets not complicate things...

The whole idea was to make Master League more realistic. These two latest suggestions expand on that idea, and are a better solution:

-Have real sponsors in Master League. This could bring in revenue, as well as add to the realism of the game.

-Have team's kits change in Master League based on new sponsorship. And I mean all teams, not just the user controlled team. This too could really add to the depth of Mater League, especially if those sponsors are real world companies and not just fictional ones.

King of Lyon

Registered User

Camera Tilting
Stadium Attendance Option : * * *
More Practice Fields and Club House Enabled.
PES Store
DIFFERENT UNIFORMS. Apart from the colours, all SHIRTS and SHORTS look the same! More types of uniforms for edit mode and make CLASSIC uniforms look old. This was one great feature back in the PS2, the classic teams had this tight uniforms like they used to be.

-Enable Club House and more practice fields in exibition mode.
-CUSTOMIZED NETS AND PITCHES: This is a biggie, nets should look like they do in real life, all nets are differents and, as ive said before, huge part of the stadium's personality.
- Estadio Azteca
- La Bombonera
- Delle Alpi
- MOST OF THE LAST AND/OR FORTHCOMING WORLD CUP STADIUMS: The World Cup (International Cup) should be played in stadiums from one country.
- STADIUMS IN BAD SHAPE: Throw in some 2nd division stadiums with damaged pitch, ugly nets, low capacity. Like the uniforms, all stadiums look and feel the same, this takes away from the game's realism. This would be perfect for the Master League, to start playing in a very poor home ground and work your way up from there.

Set Pieces
- Animations: Goal kicks and corner kicks do not look real, specially corner kicks.
- Different Shot buttons or commands: Give the option to kick the ball the way you want to. Inner foot, outer foot, hard, soft, middle height. Accuracy should vary from player to player.
-PENALTY KICKS: DIfferent shot buttons! All players kick the penalty the same way. It is UNREAL. They run different but they kick the ball the same way! Again, enable different shot buttons and the ability to curve the shots! Look how Ronaldinho takes them, look how Roberto Carlos used to take them, Figo, Totti, Hugo Sanchez, Maradona, they all kick the ball differently!

I'll put the ML wishlist later.


Registered User
A cosmetic change I'd like to see, and one that seems totally feasible:

-Extend the end of the replays further to see more of the celebration. When you save a replay and watch it again it cuts off too soon, like pretty much right after the ball goes in the net. It looks sloppy this way, and I think it'd look a lot better if the replay kept going for at least a few more seconds.


Registered User
A must:

-Fix the lighting for day games in some of the stadiums. I play using the wide camera angle that goes from side to side, and there is a tremendous amount of glare during day games in some of the stadiums. It's so bad I can hardly see the ball sometimes. It's only on the right hand side, in the penalty area, and must be fixed.


Registered User
-More realistic player growth. In Be A Legend mode I have my player improving in areas that don't really make sense. Physical attributes such as power and speed should start out high and decline as a player ages, and mental attributes should start out low and increase as a player gains experience. The player should be at the peak of his career when those two lines cross at the highest point.

Expanding on this:

-Let users decide what type of player they start out with in Become a Legend. They could choose from a player having:

1. Speed - including acceleration and top speed.
2. Strength - including balance and shot power.
3. Technique - including dribbling, passing, and shooting.
4. Knowledge - including teamwork, reaction, and positioning.
5. More than one of the above - for players who excel in multiple areas.
6. All of the above (1-4) - for potential superstars.

For example:

I choose the #5 option, giving my young BAL player 1 and 3, speed and technique. I can then increase #4 (knowledge) by connecting with teammates and playing in the correct position, but #2 (strength) is more limited in how much it can grow... Because you generally don't see guys gain that much strength (though yes, they do get stronger).

-This idea should really be implemented in Master League too. Young players should have more distinguished strengths and weaknesses... With their physical attributes not growing very much, and then declining in their early 30s. At the same time have their mental attributes increase throughout their career, maxing out anywhere from their mid to late 20s.

Kind of complex... But if it is done right you will see players peak in their mid to late 20s, like they do in real life.


Registered User
So much talk,but nobody ask for the basics like fixing the damn keepers.They are too DUMB.KONAMI is developing football games for many years and I see no difference between PES 2010's goalkeepers and ISS's goalkeepers,fuckin SHAME,SHAME,SHAME...If this year they won't make the keepers act like some real keepers and not like dumb monkyes,then bye bye to this fucked up game.I can't play this dumb game anymore,it's ridicolous.
So I ask forum owners to tell KONAMI developers to work at this chapter and I hope I'm not ignored,because this is one of the most important thing.


Registered User

Maybe for me, as a german Gamer is very important, to have the german league in this game this year!


Registered User
Another idea:

-Add a quick pop up menu for managing during the game. When there is a dead ball and you want to make a sub or strategy change, going through the pause menu to do so is way too cumbersome. Having the option to do these things "on the fly" would be great. Example:

It's late in the game and you're up by a goal, the ball goes out of bounds, you press the select button (or whatever) to bring up the quick managing menu. You then decide to sub out a tired midfielder, switch to a defensive formation, and have your attacking midfielder play balanced instead of attacking.

Doing all of this should be easier than it is now, like a manager on the sidelines calling out to his players.


Registered User
-Custom tournaments and leagues. PES 2010 restricts people to choosing from between a very short list of tournaments and leagues in "League/Cup" mode. It would be nice to be able to set up things yourself in a custom league or tournament.

This, this, a million times this. While I enjoy master league, I loved creating my own 20-team MLS and editing all the teams and players. Makes absolutely no sense to be able to edit so many teams, but have no custom league to play them in.
