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:: WE&PES Graphic Studio v 04 04 24 ::


Registered User
WE&PES Graphic Studio v04.04.24 by obocaman

ADDED (Please read the (*)s below before asking what/how it works)

- Completely new, faster and better color reduction algorithm
- Manual and automatic AFSFile reserved space management (*)
- Filesize.afs creation and insertion into the game
- Insertion/extraction of full AFS folders as just one .AFS file (**)
- Automatic conversion between WE7, PES3 and WE7i encrypted files (***)
- Insertion of files "bitmap by bitmap" when they are bigger than their reserved space
- Support for .fnt files
- Full uniform insertion (both high and low res textures) with just one drag&drop operation
- Collar type selection by right-clicking over the unixxx.bin AFSFiles
- Optional small preview (icon style) of the AFSFile textures
- Some other minor changes


- The bug that often messed up the transparency values -alpha mask- after automatic color reduction
- The bug that closed the editor when trying to open some Photoshop bitmaps
- The "Unknown BIN format" bug that showed up with some unixxx.bin files
- Half-resize antialiased (in previous version it was not antialiased at all :p)
- A bug related to collapsing equal colors in bitmaps with redundant color usage
- Enabled the "Keep current bitmap palette" checker in the "Reduce color usage" window
- Some other minor fixes



The reserved space for each AFSFile CANNOT be freely modified with this editor. Graphic Studio can only modify the reserved space of an AFSFile depending on the free space available for its previous and following AFSFiles, so the size of each folder WILL always remains the same. This way the size of the .AFS doesn't change, and there's no need to rebuild the game ISO before burning (it's enough to re-insert the .AFS in it).

By default, after inserting a texture, the AFSFile "packs to the center", leaving as much free space for its previous and next files as possible. But you can also choose to "pack to the left" (or "to the right") if you are inserting the textures of a folder in a predetermined order (first, second...) and only wanna leave free space for the next (or previous) files.


As long as the sizes of the AFSFiles may change now, there may be problems importing and exporting full folders as files (+ possibly subfolders). I suggest using the extraction/insertion of full folders as just one .AFS file, 'cause it won't give this kind of size problems, and one file is easier to share over the Internet than many ones (+ possibly subfolders)...


This means that now you can import/export encrypted and no-encripted files without worrying about the game (WE6, WE6fe, WE7, PES3, WE7i...) they come from ^___^

Download: HERE
