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WE10 DB Editor in english


Registered User
Hey guys, i managed to translate WE10 DB Editor by BarboRV into english. He still owns the copyright, i want nothing ;p. He deserves all the credit all i did was translate text from italian to english using googles language tools. Here are some screens:

I did my best ;p...some translation are missing i know but google couldnt help.



Registered User
help with WE 10 editor

can somesome help me, i can't figure out how to use the editor????? PLEASE??????????????


Registered User
hi everybody i am having trouble using the DB editor because i could only find the first file only so if any one could help me please to be able to use this great editor


Registered User
I was able to find the first file SLPM_663.74 but where are the rest?


EDIT: Sorry I just realized i posted a question where i'm not suppose to, its ok i was able to figure it out.

thanks a lot, this is a big help as i am creating the Argentina league and it makes it better to edit players and their stats rather than doing it on the PS2

now after taking apart all this files i need to figure out how to put them back into the game itself hehe can some1 pm me if they know how


Registered User
keshkesh said:
hi everybody i am having trouble using the DB editor because i could only find the first file only so if any one could help me please to be able to use this great editor

I d like to know to!!!!:no:


Registered User
not 100% sure but I think it's something like....

extract xxxxxxx.bin from the xxxxxxx.AFS file,
then from the extracted xxxxxxx.bin file you need
to extract the required files to use with the DB editor.

DkZ Editor works in a similar way.

...if I find any more info I'll post it asap.
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Registered User
tyrvas said:
not 100% sure but I think it's something like....

extract xxxxxxx.bin from the xxxxxxx.AFS file,
then from the extracted xxxxxxx.bin file you need
to extract the required files to use with the DB editor.

DkZ Editor works in a similar way.

...if I find any more info I'll post it asap.
i got as far as extracting the bin files from the O_SOUND.AFS using dkz studio but couldnt extract any files from the bin file. :no:


Registered User
dobisskill said:
i got as far as extracting the bin files from the O_SOUND.AFS using dkz studio but couldnt extract any files from the bin file. :no:

Required tools DkZ Studio v0.92b which includes a Zlib Editor.
(optional standalone Zlib Editor comes packed with WE10 DB Editor)

Open WE10's 0_TEXT.AFS file with DkZ Studio, extract
the following bin files to a folder in your hard drive...


Once above is done click DkZ Studio's 'Tool' tab, in it's drop
down menu select & click 'Zlib Editor (Compressed Files Editor)'.
(or press & hold the 'Ctrl' key followed by the 'Z' key = Ctrl+Z)

Zlib Editor v2.5 will open, in it's window click 'File' tab,
in drop down menu select & click 'Open', browser window appears;
use it to locate and open your extracted bin files...

1a. Open; 'unknow_00035.bin'
Zlib will show you the contents of the opened file,
in this case 'unknow_00035.bin' contains 7 other .bin files;


1b. Click Zlib's 'Edit' tab, in drop down menu select & click 'Export All Files',
a browser window opens, use to save the files to a folder in your hd.

1c. Go to the folder you just extracted the 7 files to, we need to
do a couple of things with these files before we can carry on...

1d. Delete 'unknow_005.bin' and 'unknow_006.bin '. Not required.

1e. Rename the remaining files as follows;

unknow_000.bin > unknow_00035.bin_000
unknow_001.bin> unknow_00035.bin_001
unknow_002.bin > unknow_00035.bin_002
unknow_003.bin > unknow_00035.bin_003
unknow_004.bin > unknow_00035.bin_004


2a. Back to Zlib Editor;

2b. Open; 'unknow_00036.bin'
Zlib will show you the contents of the opened file,
in this case 'unknow_00036.bin' contains 3 other .bin files;


2c. Click Zlib's 'Edit' tab, in drop down menu select & click 'Export All Files',
a browser window opens, use to save the files to a folder in your hd.
(If you followed steps 1a to 1e correctly you may extract these 3 files
to the folder where you extracted & renamed the other bin files)

2d. Go to the folder you just extracted the 3 files to,
rename each of the files as follows;

unknow_000.bin > unknow_00036.bin_000
unknow_001.bin > unknow_00036.bin_001
unknow_002.bin > unknow_00036.bin_002


3a. Back to Zlib Editor;

3b. Open; 'unknow_00037.bin'
Zlib will show you the contents of the opened file,
in this case 'unknow_00036.bin' contains 9 other .bin files;


3c. You only need one of the bin files this time so...
on Zlib's main window right-click 'unknow_001.bin',
in drop down menu select & click 'Extract File', a browser
window opens, use to save the file to a folder in your hd.
(If you followed steps 1a to 2d correctly you may extract this file
to the folder where you extracted & renamed the other bin files)

3d. Go to the folder you just extracted the file to,
rename the file as follows;

unknow_001.bin > unknow_00037.bin_001


Close Zlib Editor & DkZ Studio.


4a. Copy 'unknow_00038.bin' and Paste to the folder with all the
recently renamed files. (This file does not require any modification.)

4b. Copy your WE10's 'SLPM 66374' file and paste to the folder with all
the recently renamed files. (This file does not require any modification.)

You now have all the files required to run WE10 DB Editor
and all nice and neat in the same folder....

Note: 'OffsetNomi.dat' file comes with WE10 DB Editor.

Do not use the save .ini option (WE10 DB Editor - Files window, bottom left)
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Registered User
Something's wrong

i did excactly what you told at the instructions but i get the error "Primany Files Not Loaded" you have any idea why?


Registered User
Is it possible you have named a file wrong? Remember in Windows that you need to display the full filename of a file (go to tools, folder options, click the View tab and then untick "hide extensions for known file types"). If you've done this, then ignore the next bit If you haven't done this, this is what would happen:

With the option still ticked, all you see is a file called:


If you rename this as it is, you will have this:


BUT: this is WRONG! If you have unticked the extensions option, you will see that you have actually got a file called this:


Notice the extra bit! The editor will not find the file properly. So, untick the option first. It will make the .bin visible and you can name it properly.


New Member
help me please for this time. because I think you can make an editor for PES6PC. I really happy if you can finish that's job!! See you Next time...


New Member
I did all the things, and the progam works perfectly, but I can't close the program(error: can't create the file unknow 0035_001 because any process take it)!! So no changes, any idea? pleaaase


Registered User

thanks for patch we10 to nesh87 thanks you very much......................................................thanks.