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WE7 International Jap - Mini Mix Patch


:::::::::::::::::MINI PATCH MIX WE7 INTERNATIONAL JAP Commentary ENglish::::::::::::::::::

For This Version:

Thanks to Wendetta Team... To make my mix.

- New Musics & New Background Menus From Wendetta we7.

- 99% Stadium ( i don't have parma edited).

- Flags

- And a little

!!!!!!!!!!!! NO TRANSFERS & NO KITS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-------------------The Community Wait for new tools-------------------------

.:By Renzo:.


ftp://we:[email protected]/WE7 International/Patch/MiniMixPatchRenzo/

61,5 Mo[/quote]


I think jb said he´s not going to make any patches for WE7:I at the moment, he´s quite busy or sth like that :confused:
I´ll also wait, Tato will release his new tools this week, so we should have patches with real kits soon


Registered User
larsson said:
Tato will release his new tools this week, so we should have patches with real kits soon

Ha what did I said? You said he will release his new tools in 2 weeks. Or were you talkning about the patches?
Never mind as I siad before I wont burn a new cd untill something better comes out, like Wedoit still has to release a patch.


Don´t be so fussy :p
btw never said he will release his tools in 2 weeks, I said he will do it this week :cool:


Registered User
larsson said:
Don´t be so fussy :p
btw never said he will release his tools in 2 weeks, I said he will do it this week :cool:

Ha the I will quote you lazy german! Wait..
Shite cant find it anymore, I bet you deleted your own words!


Registered User
larsson said:
Haha, who´s the silly now ? :D

check the last post, from the 20th of February ;)

Na your deleted your own old words....... :p
Never mind I really hope Tato will release as soon as possible, cause the shirts and boots are already driving me crazy. The shirts are looking so awful! Dempted colors, no variation etc. Same for boots, when you already have the Adidas liscence why not put all the adidas boots in for gods sake?!
