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[WE8LE] Ole Mix Gangsta Edition Winning Eleven 8 Liveware Evolution Ps2


Registered User
raptoruts said:
I started a master league with the OleMix Gangsta fixed to 1.3 and cristiano ronaldo in ManUTD has ridiculous values, all among 60-70...i guess they messed up with him trying to set the flip flap.
The cristiano ronaldo from the Scorpion option file looks normal instead (as you know values in ML and in option files ARE different). I think i should create the file with the option file values and try to insert it into the iso.

One more thing...i found Nakata Hidetoshi as a free transfer player when i was playing with Fiorentina my Master League...the problem is there's another Nakata in my's a clone...

AS it's been mentioned before there is away let C.Ronaldo do the flip-flap while still usinh the scorpio option file. The answer is in this thread, have a search. Also there sometimes are duplicate's unfortunately, this should be fixed in a another patch shortly.


Registered User

I have a question
I have bootpack for Pes4!Can use it for We8LiveWare and is it compatibly to your patch???
please answer fast


Registered User

i had donwload a torrent file "gangsta" and "gangsta ole fix"
which ppf file should patch now????!
excuse my bay english


Registered User
zwergenking said:
i had donwload a torrent file "gangsta" and "gangsta ole fix"
which ppf file should patch now????!
excuse my bay english

You apply the gansta patch first then the gangsta fix. As for the bootpack I don't know mate


ashok265, warez is clearly agains the forum rules so delete your post right now and do not ask questions relating to warez or you could be banned.


Registered User
zwergenking said:
I have a question
I have bootpack for Pes4!Can use it for We8LiveWare and is it compatibly to your patch???
please answer fast

you can put bootpacks into the gangsta ole mix version o we8le:-

Inserting Bootpack:

Hi all, I have figured out finally how to insert a bootpack. What you will need is Sykesy's bootpack guide. Anyway, go through the bootpack guide and create the spike_ee_tex and spike_gs_tex files. If you have trouble obtaining these files, just try to download a bootpack for WE8 or PES4. This is because you won't be able to extract the bootpack from the current version (well it's a pretty big mess).

What you will need after is a copy of WE Graphic Studio. Instead of extracting the AFS from the ISO (I can't even do that with Apache), just open the ISO within WE Graphic Studio. After that, click on 0_text.afs. It will ask if you want to create imaginary subfolders or something like that. Click yes.

Now, you'll see divisions of folders from 0-100, etc. The files containing the boots are located in the folder that start at 3600. Basically, open up the 3600 folder and scroll down a few files until you see the bootpack. Instead of inserting BMPs one by one, just right click the file of the bootpack and import over (and import the spike_ee_tex over the file containing the palette). Then, scroll down a few more files to find the second boot file and import over as well.

If for whatever reason you have troubles with importing (like the window doesn't come up to select the file on your hard drive), try "importing whole folder/files..." option first. It'll bring up the window. Close that window and then try the singular "import file over this one". The window should pop up. It didn't for me at first.

Hope this helps.

this was first posted by art_2k over i think. NOT by me. It works though, ive put loads of bootpacks in using this method and they are all fine


Registered User
does anyone know if jonboyo is bringing out a patch for liveware edition. i hope he does because his patch for pes4 is the best i've seen


Registered User
billsterno1 said:
AS it's been mentioned before there is away let C.Ronaldo do the flip-flap while still usinh the scorpio option file. The answer is in this thread, have a search. Also there sometimes are duplicate's unfortunately, this should be fixed in a another patch shortly.

u mean this?

Originally posted on evo-web bu Louike

Originally Posted by Louike
OK,If you want to play Cristiano Ronaldo flip flap with Scorpio option file,you can too but just in manchester,in game go to mode edit,register player,go to manchester squad and remove cristiano (press square),go to club team register player and add Rivelino to manchester U,return to edit player now,go to manchester,choose Rivelino and return is settings to defauts by press Triangle,eh hop cristiano come back !!!!

where do i find 'rivelino' ?

*edit. oops. he's in classic brazil .. works fine now.. but anyone know if i can edit C.Ronaldo in my already started ML ?


Registered User
Can some1 help me?

Can't Patch the "OLé GANGSTA Fix 1.ppf" (229 mb file). I've patched the first 1, but the second 1 doesnt work :(. If i want to open it, I'll get a error "Can't open ppf (OLé GANGSTA Fix 1.ppf)"
plz help me! cause I want all the translated names:p hehe


The gangsta patch doesn't have translated names. You need an updated option file to get updated names.

If your patch file has an error, try unrarring it again. Otherwise delete and re-download it.


Registered User
Dragonzz said:
Can some1 help me?

Can't Patch the "OLé GANGSTA Fix 1.ppf" (229 mb file). I've patched the first 1, but the second 1 doesnt work :(. If i want to open it, I'll get a error "Can't open ppf (OLé GANGSTA Fix 1.ppf)"
plz help me! cause I want all the translated names:p hehe

People who've had this problem were not using a fresh iso. Do this.

Make a copy of the original iso, then apply the patch, then the fix 1.1, then the the fix 1.3 and it should work, if not follow Zyg's advice :D


Registered User
Connection Problem

Firstly,thanks for patch

I download 6 parts but ı can't download 7. part for that reason I can't patch,please help me as soon as possible.

How can I download 7.Partition (rar file)



Registered User
billsterno1 said:
People who've had this problem were not using a fresh iso. Do this.

Make a copy of the original iso, then apply the patch, then the fix 1.1, then the the fix 1.3 and it should work, if not follow Zyg's advice :D

Baka me :p I've used the fix1.1 and then the 229mb patch -_- but thnx for the advice :D

Still can't open it :( i've download it with the torrent @ torrentspy. But still have the error if i want to open it with PPF-O-Matiic.

and Zyg:
I mean this 1 :)
torrent file:::::::::

fix content:
fix collar and numbers color
add some new style for many teams
change some kits for better quality
fix kits2D error
change all music except one(sorry my big bug,oups)
add all famous edited stadiums,pitches,flags,adversa ting...
new para we8,all player name translate,so you don't need option file


Registered User
Thanks for your advise Zygalski,but I also download other part,I mean I have 6 part,just last part lost,I just need a 7. part,you known!!!

Also torrent too slow:((


Registered User
Dragonzz said:
Baka me :p I've used the fix1.1 and then the 229mb patch -_- but thnx for the advice :D

What are you on about mate the fix 1.1 is the 229mb patch! Just follow the instructions I gave you:

1. Make a clean iso
2. Apply Main patch - 455mb
3. Apply Fix 1.1 - 229mb
4. Apply Fix 1.3 - about 1.5mb (optional)
5. Burn patched image to DVD with DVD Decrypter at the slowest speed.
6. Boot the game
7. Hey presto WE8LE!!!!! :D


Registered User
billsterno1 said:
What are you on about mate the fix 1.1 is the 229mb patch! Just follow the instructions I gave you:

1. Make a clean iso
2. Apply Main patch - 455mb
3. Apply Fix 1.1 - 229mb
4. Apply Fix 1.3 - about 1.5mb (optional)
5. Burn patched image to DVD with DVD Decrypter at the slowest speed.
6. Boot the game
7. Hey presto WE8LE!!!!! :D

I know that.. but if I want to open the Fix 1.1 i'll get a error:s

( Screen )

and i've downloaded from the ftp and from the torrent. And both don't work :S WEIRD!!

BTW, thnx For Ur Fast Reply :D


Registered User
Dragonzz said:
I know that.. but if I want to open the Fix 1.1 i'll get a error:s

( Screen )

and i've downloaded from the ftp and from the torrent. And both don't work :S WEIRD!!

Well thats not what you said lol. Well you must be doing something wrong as it has worked for everyone else. Make sure all the rar files are in the same folder before you extract. Other than that I don't know what the problem could be. Cos people are still downloading it and using it fine.
