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[WE9] WEMERICA 3.0 US Final


Registered User
Thanks, great patch. When i patched this file, i had a few corrupted players in the game.
Example, Van Der Sar have a glove coming out of his face :) If you kwnow the reason why, please tell.


Registered User
I tried to patch Ripkit CD but got a black sreen (used Ps2 CDVDCheck)
I Used DKZ to patch the clean iso then patches it to CD version (I used this to patch the Graphic Mix v1 ang it work well)
-> Did you use the same way ? or you patch the clean DVD iso to CD then you import the patched files to the CD iso ?


Registered User
Tribes11 said:
I Have Patched, perfectly works with the WE9_OP.PSS that are included on the patch, it works greatly, i recommend you guys after import the files to close the DKZ Studio them open the program again and reload the .ISO of your original Backup again to do the necessary changes after this don't change anything and close the imagem again, i've done this and for me works greatly, oh and if possible i just want to know the names of the musics this patch have, i know who sing, but don't know the name of the music, please tell me if one of you know! Thx a lot and thx for the patch, it's great with the Option File...

do u mean patch it twice??- doing the 4 files separately, then importing the last 2. then close dkz. open up the patched iso or the "clean" iso and re-do the 6 different patches?


Registered User
Hope this answers all WEmerica's v3.0 patching ?'s, if it don't use SEARCH option...

...most of our questions on how to apply this patch have been answered previously...
seamlord said:
do u mean patch it twice??- doing the 4 files separately, then importing the last 2. then close dkz. open up the patched iso or the "clean" iso and re-do the 6 different patches?'ve got the answer within your question...
'doing the 4 files separately, then importing the last 2.'
...all you need to do now is burn the fully modified iso.

And for those that find 'read me' text files difficult to -> see 'em,
look at 'em, open 'em and last but not least read 'em, here you have 'em....

...WEmerica's v3.0 WE9 patch VERY IMPORTANT - MUST READ text files...

1. WEmerica V3.0 read me.txt (tutorial - english part only - found at end of text in french aswell)

0-create a folder with WE9 clean ISO in and the folder wemerica patch

1-install and lauch dkz studio (accept the update!)

2-do file / open a file -> and select one of the patch file in folder "patch dkz" / do patch /
apply patch in image -> and select your clean ISO WE9 (temp files will be created, ignore them)

3-do the same thing for all files dkz patch

4-open your iso patched of we9 with dkz studio, and click on slpm in column, right button, import file, and go
to select the new slpm of pack wemerica, do the same thing for the WE9_OP

5-burn and play :p
2. warning we9_op.txt
if you have crash black screen when you launch game, that can be cause by the new we9_op that dont run on few support, however it run on some and for me too.
Last edited:


Registered User
complete patch w/o having to get option file...

hi guys.. I would like to know what i need to do to just get a patch with everything included w/o having to do anythin with the option file or memory card.. How come the previous we games did not have such complicated stuff.. All we had to do was just patch the iso with a ppf..

P.S : my concern is because i do not have a ps2 with boot up capabilities and i cannot do anythin with those option file saves .. Pls help to address my concern...


I guess it's because it's easier for people to upload and share the data and sound files rather than making a larger ppf file. The steps to patching WE9 are still very basic and easy for everyone who can read and follow basic instructions.

If your PS2 cannot load backup/patched/imported games then there is no point patching your game. The easiest method for you is to buy a Slide Card (as mentioned in other threads). And you can't do anything with the option files so get a Max Drive.

Make a bit of effort if you want to play the patched game.


Registered User
can anybody give any other link for download, this torrent stuff is giving me a problem. Rapidshare or Filefront would do...



Registered User
Zygalski, dude, do something. I can use imports, I have Max Drive, i will learn how to patch but I NEED NORMAL LINK TO DOWNLOAD PATCh (or at least Option file)(sorry for screaming-bit 6 pages of posts and no link for normal download-just stupid torent thing).
Please, anybody help.
Grateful in advance
Desperate housman

Del Piero 12

Registered User
superandrea said:
Zygalski, dude, do something. I can use imports, I have Max Drive, i will learn how to patch but I NEED NORMAL LINK TO DOWNLOAD PATCh (or at least Option file)(sorry for screaming-bit 6 pages of posts and no link for normal download-just stupid torent thing).
Please, anybody help.
Grateful in advance
Desperate housman

Why don't you download "azureus". It's also torrenttool but it works fine. It's so easy with that and the bitrate is perfect! I think u won't find a normal downloadlink!!!


Registered User
Del Piero 12 said:
Why don't you download "azureus". It's also torrenttool but it works fine. It's so easy with that and the bitrate is perfect! I think u won't find a normal downloadlink!!!

I have to admit :blush: .... I do this at work, and I`m kind a not allowed to install anything on this computer, that`s why I would appriciate simple .rar file, so I could just download it and then bring it to another computer to patch the game... And here I have really good download speed...
Thanx for advice, but, who knows, might be that someone could share it somewhere so I could download it...
At last, I managed to find just Option file 3.0, so, I will use that for now. I can`t even install MaxDrive softvare at my work comp., but my coleague could, so this solved problem with Option file.
Cheers! :)


Get your colleague to install Azureus and get the patch that way ;)

I doubt there will be any more mirrors and it's not worth uploading it all for such an early patch without kits.


Registered User
cannot load option files

Hi.. I guess Zygalski misunderstood me .. what i am tryin to say here is my ps2 can play patched games.. It is just the option file stuff which i cannot get onto my ps2.. Can anyone help and pl do not put things in such an abrupt way.. If i am not makin any effort, i would not be askin anythin in this forum bro..


Registered User
kannan said:
Hi.. I guess Zygalski misunderstood me .. what i am tryin to say here is my ps2 can play patched games.. It is just the option file stuff which i cannot get onto my ps2.. Can anyone help and pl do not put things in such an abrupt way.. If i am not makin any effort, i would not be askin anythin in this forum bro..

...Contained within WEmerica's v3.0 patch is an Option File folder in it are the following folders;
NPO you mention that you have no upload capability I understand you
do not have a MAX/Xport Drive, so your option would be the BIN/CUE folder.

Use Alcohol 120% of similar burnin app to burn the files in BIN/CUE folder
to CD, once done insert CD into your PS2, CD will boot and a screen will
appear called PS2MENU. Read the following instructions on how to upload
from CD to your Memory Card, you will require atleast 1300kb free in MC.
PS2MENU Instructions once in web page scroll down to '7. Uploading.'.

Good Luck.


Registered User
Zygalski said:
Get your colleague to install Azureus and get the patch that way ;)
If he gets fired, I`ll send him to you with his wife and kid to support them! :D

At least, he helped me with option file, so I could transfer it to my MC.
By the way, I burned my computer back home (literally), by playing PES... that`s why I`m doin` it at work (geting files, I mean).

Thanks, anyway.


Registered User
superandrea are u a girl that likes pro evo if so u can come move in wife me and al ditch my missus and we can sit and play in perfect harmony for the rest of our lifes :)


Registered User
nakamura1888 said:
superandrea are u a girl that likes pro evo if so u can come move in wife me and al ditch my missus and we can sit and play in perfect harmony for the rest of our lifes :)

Well, you see this nice picture? (see attachment) This nice girl that`s used as an istrument? I will just tell you-sorry-don`t be dissapointed, but I`m playing with her there... :D

Same thing thought my boss when I applied for my present job-cause, Andrea might be a girls name, but don`t say that to Italian guy, cause they gonna get VERY pissed... By the way, I`m only half Italian, so I`m not gonna get pissed, I will just laugh, cause this happens all the time.
And I would probbably kick your ass at WE or PES... :innocent: (lol)
Cheers mate!!!


Registered User
seamlord said:
do u mean patch it twice??- doing the 4 files separately, then importing the last 2. then close dkz. open up the patched iso or the "clean" iso and re-do the 6 different patches?

No, no, i just mean to patch the 4 normally, then close DKZ, open up DKZ again and reload the ISO then apply the 2 remaining (the WE9_OP and SLPM), close the DKZ, okay your ISO is now patched, but i oppened up again DKZ and reloaded the IMAGE just to see if everything is okay, and then i closed again, i mean, i oppened up, reloaded the ISO and close the DKZ without change anything... and this work perfectly for me, including the oppening, that i consider beatiful! if u guys can't load, try without the WE9_OP.PSS it should work fine! Cya u all! And please if anyone knows the patch musics name please post here, i know who is singing because is on Readme, but i don't know the name of the Music! Thx again u all! And cya l8..