redbalrog said:Here is a little mix v3 with patchs released to jlwe9ac.
What have in this mix:
Fernando v3 translation patch + translated txs;
jayz123 J. League Players Names Translation v2;
Emblem fix
Ajax-Feyrnoord fix
Corrected players names for sao paulo, santos and brazil;
Jonboyo's Small Graphic patch for WE9J, change balls to default and actualized
with the_thing textures.
New boots (I don´t know who did these boots, but thanks to all boot makers)
Added Jayz123 mini kits patch.
How to apply:
1) Make a clean iso of j-league we9 game;
2) Open the iso in DkZ Studio 0.90 or higher;
3) Extract all content of iso to folder;
4) Open the file redbalrog_MiX_v3.dkz in DkZ Studio;
5) Go to Patch->Apply patch in folder, and select the folder used in step 3);
6) Rebuild the iso or burn with nero in UDF/ISO MODE.
About World Cup 2006 Addon:
I´ve put new Adidas TEAMGEIST 2006 Official World Cup Match Ball by the_thing
(with little missalign), edited the related str´s, preview by me and add World
Cup 2006 logo and background. Add too new bootpack with boots from JimboPL thread.
Suggestion: Apply this on redbalrog_MiX_v3
How to apply:
1) Apply redbalrog_MiX_v3.dkz (Look at Readme.txt of MiX patch v3 how to do);
2) Open the file redbalrog_World_Cup_2006_addon.dkz in DkZ Studio;
3) Go to Patch->Apply patch in folder, and select the folder used in step where are
the extracted we9 iso files already patched with MiX v3;
4) Rebuild the iso or burn with nero in UDF/ISO MODE.
Thanks to:
fernando, jayz123, jonboyo, the_thing, JimboPL and abScroll for the DkZStudio program.
From here.