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what camera are you using in BAL?


Registered User
just wondering.. right now i started a new BAL with the default camera, but its getting kinda annoying, hard to calculate passes and when to go head and that stuff.. and not even saying when i go to one side and camera moves and make me run outta the field :realmad: so im just about to change to a more normal camera :/

did anybody stick with the default camera?


Yeah I use the player cam, I do every year it makes the game a bit more of a challenge & you get used to how the camera moves. It's all personal choice though :)


OTS camera could work, but the way the current OTS camera changes your running direction completely fucks it up. Whoever thought of that idea should be castrated and tied up in the desert for the vultures.

I play with Wide camera, but I'm not satisfied with it. I'd like it to be more top-down.


Registered User
dont do default cam at the beginning of BAL use the other option that i don't remember what it was called :| , anyway .. after the in the match choose WIDE CAM , and Choose the option BALL not PLAYER
