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What do the form arrows really mean?


Registered User
Do they mean the player will have less/more stamina? Do they mean the player will be playing above/below his capacity (for example, an 80 OVR player with a down arrow might only perform as a 75)? All of the above? None...? Just realised after years playing this that it still isn't fully clear to me...


Registered User
I think a fully pointing up arrow boosts a players OVR+10 and an up diagonal arrow is +5, sideaways arrow 0, diagonal down arrow -5, fully down arrow -10.
Thats what i read about an older pes from the ps2 , just assumed it was the same.


Registered User
Yeah I found something like that too, from a long time ago... May have changed. So all we can do is guess it seems...


Registered User
Do they mean the player will have less/more stamina? Do they mean the player will be playing above/below his capacity (for example, an 80 OVR player with a down arrow might only perform as a 75)? All of the above? None...? Just realised after years playing this that it still isn't fully clear to me...

Can you have random form on PES 2016? Like on the old games when playing someone else at home, 1v1?


Registered User
Dont take that as 100% correct, just what id read on a forum many moons ago

I've started a new ML and am using a sort of assumption based on yours and other stuff I've read but using % instead of points, so red arrow = 10% added, yellow = 5% and so on. Following this rule means I rotate the team a lot more (since before I'd take form as not meaning that drastic a change in OVR and would more often keep the higher OVR players in unless there was a massive change like red arrow vs. blue or purple).

I have to say the results have been great. I'm crushing teams left and right (an 8-1 result which I think I hadn't had in this year's game yet) and so far 6 or 7 matches and as many wins including against Man City (0-1) using an attacking formation I wouldn't have dared use before against a strong team like this. This is also helping my younger players raise their OVR faster as I field them more... Great stuff!


Registered User
I hate the randomness of arrow forms. As an example, my CF scores 4 goals and in the next game has a down arrow, wtf? (I'm talking about offline master league).


Registered User
I hate the randomness of arrow forms. As an example, my CF scores 4 goals and in the next game has a down arrow, wtf? (I'm talking about offline master league).

Yeah. Also, slightly unrelated but I had a player injured for many weeks and he kept increasing his stats. Must have been a hell of a training regime.
