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What one league would you like to see added for PES 2010?


Registered User
Bundesliga simply because I do not want to make all the teams again in PES 2010. As someone said before at least give us the teams with fake names so we can edit it.


Registered User
Bundesliga for sure.

However, I'd want all the leagues playable for ML/BAL.

As it is, I have to choose to NOT play either Eredivise, Ligue 1 or Bundesliga when I play BAL (not that I have GA Community Patch) which is a shame. Because even though the majority of the teams in the smaller leagues are crap, there's a number of really good teams in all of them.

Tried adding Premier League, Serie A, La Liga and then a joint league of the top teams available in the game in the last league... but that took away the feeling.


Registered User
Argentina's league, then all of the second divisions within the game, Serie B, the Championship, Liga B, and whatever the Dutch second division is called.


Registered User
Greek Superleague!
Extremely long names to edit, this will bring a new dimension to editing :D


Registered User
Greek Superleague!
Extremely long names to edit, this will bring a new dimension to editing :D

lol thats true! :D i create koutsianikoulis if you heard about him and there was not too much space for the letters! xD so i wrote koutsianikUlis, the correct is koutsianikOUlis :p


Registered User
Gilberto Silva and Galletti, does anyone knows how they decide which league they get licensed? by the number of copies sold in each country?
