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Where to get BOOTS for pro evo 2008


Registered User
Hey guys wonder if anyone can help me but does anyone have any threads to get a good boot pack for pro evo 2008, thanks

p.s. even better would be if someone told me how i would go about creating my own boots and what software and things i would need in order to do this



Registered User
thanks guys!!! got a problem with one boot though, everytime i try and import it to ggs it says ooops file too big, anyone can help me how to make this shoe work


Registered User
download afs_explorer here:

I'm only offering an extensive explanation on how to use this program because I have found many users unable understand how to operate it (myself included).
There may be a simpler way of doing this, but after a few days of getting to know how to use it, this is the best i can come up with.

1.Open afs explorer, and click on
File>Import AFS Files

2.When the Open Dialog Box appears, click on 'All Files (*.*)' on the 'Files of type:' drop down menu.

3.Now find your .img file in your PES2008 directory, it would ask if you would like to rebuild file, if you decide to do so, remember to save it as a .img (click on 'All Files (*.*)' again) in another location (with the same name as the origial file).

4.When everything has loaded, try importing the edited .bin files again (drag & drop from folder to a file listed on the program is possible, but make sure you drop it on the appropiate file), it would would ask if you would like to reserve space, click yes.
If it fails, another error message would appear.

5.If this is the case, click on the hammer icon with the rainbow gradient background (leaving your mouse over the button would show 'Modify reserved space...')

6.A new dialog box would open, and on the right you would see colour coded numbers only for the file(s) you wish to edit (colour for other files remain black). These numbers indicate the reserved space that is going to be availible after this process (the reserved space is automatically altered only for the files you attempted to edit). If you wish to manually change the reserved space for a specific file, you may do so in the top right corner.

7.Once everything is done, click on 'Regenerate AFS!'. Rebuilding a new .img is required for this step (same as the rebuilding part in step 3).
Remember to save it as the original file name in another location.

8.Once the .img file is rebuilt, open it and you should now be able to import the .bin files you were previously unable to.

9.When the desired bin files has all been updated, close the program and backup your original .img in a safe location and place your new edited .img into the original PES2008 directory with it's orginal file name and you're done.


Registered User
THANKS deckz for the help dude helped a great deal, o by the way anyone know where i can get the mecurial vapoour three silver and red version from or has it been realesed yet????


Registered User
oh by the way its stupid konami have only put 9 boots to choose from, is there any way like the last pro evo to have one boot in each of the 9categories and have a different set of colour combinations of the same bot in one category, which in turn will enhance the ammout of boots in the game, i know its early days and stuff but is there a way to hack into the game and munipulate this feature


Registered User
so is there any way in being able to use more than 9 boots in pess 2008 anoyone know??????????


Registered User
you said
3.Now find your .img file in your PES2008 directory, it would ask if you would like to rebuild file, if you decide to do so, remember to save it as a .img (click on 'All Files (*.*)' again) in another location (with the same name as the origial file).
but what is your pes 2008 directory


Registered User
is it same way with faces

Yup, it is.

you said
3.Now find your .img file in your PES2008 directory, it would ask if you would like to rebuild file, if you decide to do so, remember to save it as a .img (click on 'All Files (*.*)' again) in another location (with the same name as the origial file).
but what is your pes 2008 directory

C:\Program Files\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2008\img


New Member
err is there an easy way to import boots on pes 2008 w/o binning can u tell me somthing like a way with kitserver
