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Which players have had stat changes with the DLC


Registered User
I beg to differ. Juve are a very good team this year but as much as it hurts me to say, they're not on the same level as Inter. You can thank the scandal and demotion to Serie B for that but they're slowly getting back to that level.

As good as your strikers are, Eto'o shits on all of them. Along with Milito they have 2 goal machines. Juve has an old goal machine in Trezeguet whose fragile body can't complete an entire season anymore.

That's part of the teamwork I was talking about. Milito isn't a know player like Eto but he and Eto are working really well together. That's why the goals.

agree Juve's starting midfield is better than Inter's irl and in the game, but Inter has fantastic strength in depth in all positions. Depth can win titles, just ask Arsenal who lacked plenty of it in 2007-2008 season.
Yes, although Juve also have good subs.

Also Diego doesn't have good stats, he has fantastic stats. I can also name a million players stronger than him lol. But why sit around and whine to Konami when you can edit the stats yourself? So go copy and paste Ronaldinho's stats from 2008 or just give Diego 97-98 for everything like you've always wanted :laugh:
I am not saying Diego should be like that.
Anyway as for strength. I suggest you watch him. He won duels with Riise and Gattuso. Enough said. That proves his strength.
Anyway it's not that he's underrated in pes, it's that certain stats like BALL CONTROL are missing in pes and that's what's wrong with Diego this year. Certain stats that define deigo are missing in pes.


Registered User
Erm Diego has 83 balance. Gattuso also has 83 balance. Which means in Pes Diego is capable of winning some of the duels, especially when condition arrows come into play. Dunno what Riise has but should be around the same, maybe even less.


Registered User
^I said that I wasn't comparing him to pes, I was comparing real life. And I didn't mean that in pes Diego is very underrated (he is a bit though) but I said that certain stats are missing in pes too.
About strength. He should be 88 at least. Gattuso around that aswell.


Registered User
Anyway it's not that he's underrated in pes, it's that certain stats like BALL CONTROL are missing in pes and that's what's wrong with Diego this year. Certain stats that define deigo are missing in pes.

Ball Control = Technique (how quickly the player brings ball under control)
dribble accuracy (how often the player touches the ball and how quickly they "start dribbling" once the ball is near them
shot technique/attack (how likely they are to get a shot off under pressure/from an awkward angle/if the ball is being attacked by a defender)

Also, a slight boost or a decrease in the 70s, 80s or early 90s won't make or break a player or team, just like an orange or blue arrow won't make or break a rubbish or great player.

Better to learn how to play great football on the pitch, and then that 2 stat difference will be insignificant.

PS. Super cancel and aerial ball control will make an average good player on a team, into a much better player, if used effectively


Registered User
^No, ball control is not technique. And dribble accuracy is how effectively you touch the ball without loosing the ball. Technique is something different. And Shot technique, is how well you place shots from difficult positions.


Registered User
^No, ball control is not technique. And dribble accuracy is how effectively you touch the ball without loosing the ball. Technique is something different. And Shot technique, is how well you place shots from difficult positions.

Explain. Every source I've consulted on PES has Technique = how quickly a player brings the ball under control....surely that's ball control, right?

And I explained shot technique...exactly the same as what you said, so we agree?

and I explained dribble accuracy

although I mentioned dribble accuracy as someone with high dribble accuracy will start dribbling more quickly when the ball is in the general area of his feet than someone with low dribble accuracy.
It definitely increases the "number of touches per second" of the ball too...which is what I said?

I mentioned all of these as some would say ball control is all of these.

I guess my question to you is...

if ball control ain't any of my points above, then what *is* it?


Registered User
^On dribble accuracy yes.
But on ball control. This stat is difficult to explain. Technique in pes is not working well. The effect it makes is not good enough. Pes needs to identify the stats more. So far as it is, ball control depends on accuracy and technique. But pes really needs to upgrade the stats system.


Registered User
Yeah you're right in a certain way

I'd have to say though I quite like the way PES handles stats (although I haven't compared it to say, Football Manager, or Fifa)

It's like they use 2 or 3 different stats to describe 1 shooting is 3 stats, "ball control" is 2 or 3, speed could be "top speed" "acceleration" and "dribble speed" etc

which allows for more subtle differences between players. E.g. Glen Johnson is strong and fairly quick, but doesn't touch the ball too much when dribbling.
But Benayoun doesn't have nearly the same weight or strength, but he is really agile and will almost dance when he dribbles, as long as he isn't knocked off balance by a strong defender.
But if you put them both in a straight line with the ball and said run, they'd probably dribble at around the same overall speed, but the multiple stats give more individualism

What kind of upgrades would you like to see?


Registered User
^Much more stats and not just cards like in pes 2010.
I think if pes adds more stats (these were in the ps2 so the ps3 version should handle much more) then it'll be much better. On every stat that pes has, you can add 2 more on them at least. We need at least double the stats we have today.