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Why am I not winning in my Master League?


Registered User
This is really starting to irritate me. I am currently in 2016 of my ML playing on coach mode, superstar difficulty, and my team can't seem to beat the easiest of teams. I end up bottom of the table each year. My starting eleven are all 75+ ratings including two players in the 90's. I have used multiple formation settings from defensive to offensive yet it does nothing. I am playing against the default D2 teams with stats similar to those of pee-wee league teams and still lose to them. Is this just something wrong with my ML? The AI? Maybe there's a formation that I missed that will fix this?


Registered User
Increase your support staff -- Coach, Physical Trainer, Scout, etc. If that doesn't produce results, lower the difficulty until you get a more balanced game. I've had success playing in Coach Mode, but not on Superstar difficulty.
