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Why have they not updated the edit mode (Kits)


Registered User
What we going to do about the nike goalkeeper kits with the strange arm pattern?

Arsenal and Villa both wear, very frustrating and pure laziness from Konami.


Registered User
Well if all you guys care about are the perfect licensed kits your game choice should be obviuos.
As for me I'd take pes with or without these kits.


Registered User
The kits arn't licensed, no one is really complaining. Its the lack of help Konami have given in regards too kit making that is annoying.


Registered User
are you kidding have you checked out the option file WENB are making.
the kits look better and have more detail then the ones in FIFA.


Registered User
are you kidding have you checked out the option file WENB are making.
the kits look better and have more detail then the ones in FIFA.

Yeah, but unfortunatley 360 users don't the luxery of the fresh PS3 kits. So a updated Edit mode would help.

the nameless

Registered User
To be honest, I'd rather have had a kit parts overhaul, and/or a 3rd kit - or at least mix and mach home and away parts, to a stadium editor - ok, it will be nice to play at goodison park (or at least it will be called that, I doubt I'll be able to recreate the look of the stands), but you don't see the stadium when playing the football, as long as the pitch is good looking (I remember one that looked like a ploughed farm on an earlier pes, I couldn't see the ball on it, I had to change every epl team who had it as default). You see the kits all the time. That said, we've all seen how good the edit kit png's are from here, you will be able to make it good enough.

At the end of the day, every time I try a pes demo, I find faults, then I play the fifa demo and come running back to pes. I will never change from pes because of the kits, it's all about the master league any way, that and BAL. I don't even care about the cup competitions, I only play them to get tropies, or to practice.

One other thing, you shouldn't be paying £40 for it, you can get it for around 29 - 32 online, and in supermarkets should be no more than £35 - Morrisons will have it for £35 for the 1st week.


Registered User
To be honest, I'd rather have had a kit parts overhaul, and/or a 3rd kit - or at least mix and mach home and away parts, to a stadium editor - ok, it will be nice to play at goodison park (or at least it will be called that, I doubt I'll be able to recreate the look of the stands), but you don't see the stadium when playing the football, as long as the pitch is good looking (I remember one that looked like a ploughed farm on an earlier pes, I couldn't see the ball on it, I had to change every epl team who had it as default). You see the kits all the time. That said, we've all seen how good the edit kit png's are from here, you will be able to make it good enough.

At the end of the day, every time I try a pes demo, I find faults, then I play the fifa demo and come running back to pes. I will never change from pes because of the kits, it's all about the master league any way, that and BAL. I don't even care about the cup competitions, I only play them to get tropies, or to practice.

One other thing, you shouldn't be paying £40 for it, you can get it for around 29 - 32 online, and in supermarkets should be no more than £35 - Morrisons will have it for £35 for the 1st week.

If you get it on the Thursday night from ASDA or TESCO they usually have it in for around £25. I have mine pre-ordered from Zavvi and there usually really good at sending stuff early! As my copy of FIFA 11 was posted yesterday afternoon so should have it by tommorow!

On regards to getting the stadium like Goodison, I'm sure you can get stands that look like them at Goodison, just not sure if you can have the corner parts of the stadium!


Registered User
Now he resized his siganture Picture, I do not think you've seen it before :)
Your Post is a one liner too.
But this is Off-Topic ;)


Registered User
I really wish they had made more choices, at least increase the number of... slots? (don't know how to call them). Four slots is very small. 10 slots would be amazing, but I wouldn't complain at all if we got 7. :D

EDIT: Damn... I thought you were talking about PES 2012. Then I realized the post date.
