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[X360] Dragonskin Option File


Registered User
Ok ill try now..

Who do you recommend?

edit.. you will have to wait until later for onother upload link as i need to go post office then do some work..

If people want to email it to you directly they can but I ask for no one to upload any links as I need to keep track of the download numbers..


D man, you need to make changes to your file or risk handing the best option file to date over to dragonfly. i just looked at your of and i had draognfly's already loaded. He has the right kits with logos and more parks of the clubs(you 23 and him 46). you do got him with the league logos on some as i had to switch back to default on several.


New Member
Loaded to my xbox360 via a transfer cable. But did not work.
When game loaded, it says the load data is from an earlier version.


Registered User
I am having Problems with the Sponsors. except FC Arsenal no club has sponsors. (i think its because i have only 2 places for strip logo). how can i fix this problem


Registered User
Hello, is there some1 who can explain on a normal and understanding way how to put an option file onto the xbox?
It's for a friend of me who just bought pes and has an xbox.
Hope to hear something!!!

Great new option file for your PES 2011 X360 version.:D:D

100% Corrected Premier League names, emblems and kits

Corrected unlicensed Italian and Spanish team names, emblems and

90% national team kits – some Asian teams don’t have bespoke
shirt logos

Corrected national player names – missing some Asian names

Removed duplicate players from national teams

Corrected competition names and logos

Majority of transfers done, slightly altered starting line-ups



Registered User
I found Dragonskins OF the best for me (of what i want: simple & quick) because i only have a 1gb usb stick..

so i used Xtaf to put it onto my Xbox and it worked great..

Question though: is v2.1 the most newest up to date version?

i have installed v2.1..

did i need to install v1 first? or am i ok to keep v2.1 that i have on my Xbox? :)

will there be any further updates also??


Registered User
Just downloaded your option file, it rocks dude! One question though, is it supposed to not have the shirt sponsors or have I gone wrong somewhere?


Registered User
hey guys been farting about with this for a couple of days how long should it take to import dragonfly file using USBXTAFGUI_v44 mines as been saying no responding for last 35 mins im i better to use USBXTAFGUI_v32BETA2 cheers ps heart of midlothian europa league winners 2011-12


New Member
hey guys been farting about with this for a couple of days how long should it take to import dragonfly file using USBXTAFGUI_v44 mines as been saying no responding for last 35 mins im i better to use USBXTAFGUI_v32BETA2 cheers ps heart of midlothian europa league winners 2011-12

If its not responding close it and reopen it all the files you have transferred will be stil on xtaf and you can just continue hope this helps:)


Registered User
FKN shame!!!
Lot of players like me have not xbox live and what the hell we can do without the DLC????
