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"You can only play 1 vs 1 (ranked match) in Quick Match". HELP!!!

Harps abu

Registered User

I got this problem too, i even posted about it, if you go back a few pages youl see it. I simply went to network setting with everything connected and said reset to factory settings, then tried, and Success!!!! I hope it works for yous.:)


Registered User
I got this problem too, i even posted about it, if you go back a few pages youl see it. I simply went to network setting with everything connected and said reset to factory settings, then tried, and Success!!!! I hope it works for yous.:)

Network settings in the Xbox menu?

Harps abu

Registered User

Yeah go to your dashboard and go to network settings and just select restore to factory settings. When i done this I had pro evo disc in, my internet in, and my hard drive in, then i tried online master league and it worked, im not saying itl work for everybody but i relly hope it does because its the best feature of the game. Hope it works for yous :)


Registered User
Yeah go to your dashboard and go to network settings and just select restore to factory settings. When i done this I had pro evo disc in, my internet in, and my hard drive in, then i tried online master league and it worked, im not saying itl work for everybody but i relly hope it does because its the best feature of the game. Hope it works for yous :)

Doesn't work for me, still have the same problem. Anyone else out there have any suggestions? I'm on 360 btw.


Registered User
I have the same problem, but I believe my problem is related to my Internet Service Provider (ISP). I also have a problem trying to play FIFA 11 online. "EA Servers are unavailable. Please try again later".

BTW, I play on the PC.
