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Can't get 1080 resolution on PC version


Registered User
Hey guys,

I am running the PC version and I don't see an option for 1080 resolution in the settings launcher. It only goes up to 1280x1024. PES 2013 had the 1080 option so I'm not sure why 2014 doesn't

By the way, I've upgraded to the v1.01.


Registered User
Make sure your monitor driver is setup correctly and showing your monitor model in Device Manager
The same goes to nvidia/ATI graphic card you're using.Plus Microsoft .NET framework 4 and visual C++
If these don't help, little more info on your PC might be useful to help your troubleshoot your issue.


Registered User
Hi mahanddeem,

My monitor is setup correctly and it shows the model number. I was able to run 1080 in pes 2013, so it's quite strange. I am able to run 1080 in all other games too.

I am not sure about the .net framework and C++ but I would assume these are fine, as pes 2014 is the only game I can't run 1080 on.

Perhaps it has something to do with the video card driver. I believe I have the latest version but I'll have to check this when I get home.


Registered User
PES 2014 is quite different than 2013, being heavily dependant on some system libraries, namely the Microsoft.NET Frameworks 4 and such like Visual C++, make sure from Windows update that you have all those installed.
What's your graphic card ? Please don't tell me again that 2013 was working fine on 1080p.


Registered User
I am having the same problem. I am running an ATI 6800 with drivers fully up to date and as said above, I could get full 1080 before, but the highest I get in 16:9 now is 1280x720.


Registered User
Anyone here running the PESEDIT patch? Because that patch will defo revert graphics settings to 1280x720, as this is essentially 720p resolution. The engine is made for 720p and when set above it starts to stutter or in my case just play really damn slow with no frame loss (fraps states 60fps constantly). PESEDIT patch seems to make this the default and max settings.