^^^^ I feel sorry for you wih the amount of cutscenes you'll have to go through to play your first game on ml
Haha yes I have heard that they are shocking.
No, it's not the same, it's less than in 2011..or should I say "more reasonable"?!
If you set transfer frequency to "high" in 2011, then every team transfered randomly and really aggressively, trading top players each season, just crazy. Now it's better, teams don't just give away their best players (most valuable to them) easily. So of course you have less trades in total, but if your players become successful, you will still get offers from a few clubs for each (and of course, bigger teams make better offers ^^).
Thanks for the help.
So for a 'realistic' level of transfers (which I would say is 5-6 per club, per season) you would say go for 'high' frequency on PES 2012? Sorry to keep asking. I guess the only way I will truly find out is to actually play a few seasons.
Are you using high or medium in your masterleague?