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Done with this game for these reasons....


Registered User
I agree completely. No two ways about it, the online version is seriously scripted this year. It is ridiculous how biased the game is at times. The game decides who will get its aid and suddenly all Fks go against one team. Every deflection breaks for an opposing player. Simple manoeuvres become impossible tasks. You expect scripting offline, but this year the online game is a mess because of this. What's worse is that it aids the stronger teams more often than not. And it becomes more severe if they are losing, almost like konami ensure the better teams win.


Registered User
I 100% wholeheartedly agree. All the results are fixed offline so even if they have 1 shot on target and 40% possession, they still score a goal. Passing is scripted and you have an unfair advantage against the cpu - they make godlike interceptions, every pass is perfect, every cross they do meets their player because for some reason we cannot be ahead of the striker to head it away eventhough in the other end, when we cross it, their defender is mostly in front of our striker. You can own the cpu in terms of display statistics but when it comes to the score, it's rigged and there's little you can do about it like play keep-ball but since the passing is rigged, this might not work either.

I don't know about online but sometimes I feel every ricochet goes to the better team. Dunno though, I'll have to test this out


Registered User
not sure how the banding works... yesterday i played a guy, he had won 6 drawn 9 and lost 20, he beat me 4-1.

i went 1-0 up after 5 minutes - EASY

the dude had a CF and two SS all really cheap speed merchants. OMG these players were faster than messi/ronaldo NO JOKES. Honest to god i could get nowhere near them. his squad value was £17,000,000, mine was about £140,000,000, he had 415 ranking pouints i had 502.

I looked at the player stats after the game, distance dribbled.... 272, 243 and 175. Those were the values for his strike force, my best distance dribbled was in the 80's.

Worse than this his team were almost completely fatigued before kick off, after 30 minutes all of his players had no energy at all. but they still run rings around me. The guy didnt stop start, skill etc. like how i have to to successfully dribble, he simply held sprint, when i could get a defender close enough to tackle the dribbler would simply run strainght through my defender as if he were not there.

So what's the deal with that?


Registered User
I've seen some weird occurrences like that, in particular in one game it seemed like obvious fractional lagging. Only by a split second but it was clear. What was frustrating was that the speed was constant until then ... then of a sudden half way through the first half the game my players are slower than a cannabis convention on treadmills. I don't think the lad was cheating but the Konami servers are fucking awful.


Registered User
this was not a case of lag unfortunately, I know when it is lagging cos when i press L1 to change player i can physically see the time it takes to act out on screen.

This was a case of his fatigued players gaining some sort of stat boost, trying to level the field. I really can't describe how fast his green arrow, 81 dribble speed, no fitness, players were, i mean i have fast full backs but his players were like U. Bolt at the olympics, another level.

I think there is some sort of boosting of player stats when uneven match ups take place. This might explain the like s of Barretto. He has good stats in the right places, so if he gets say a 20% boost - he is virtually unplayable.

This is further to the obvious AI scripting that takes place.


Registered User
Don't get me started on the general "L1-issues" in this game.
Online is really pathetic in this game. The button lag is even worse than offline in pes 2009! And the way the luck changes is a big joke. When you're 3-0 up the your players suddenly turn into ghosts and the opponent just walks through 3 times and then the game is back on.

It seems like the team being behind is insanely lucky. Ref's on their side, and they win every loose ball etc. I will not call it scripting, but i thought offline was crazy until i played a couple of matches online. Never have i seen that amount of lucky goals and defence/keeper bloopers before in any pes game.


Registered User
IDK about online but i totally agree that the computer(AI) is a lying cheating asshole(i might get a warning for swearing but all this is over the top). i don't claim that i'm the best player around but i know few things and when i got tired of comp cheating on me i basecopyed some of the best players and upgraded them then transfered them to 2nd division team you want to know what happened in the first match in 2nd bundesliga guy with overall rating of 65 dribbled past upgraded versions of xabi alonso, pique, agger, maicon, and then made some unbelievable maneuver and got past also upgraded neuer and scored a goal.


Registered User
The scripted AI has been in PES for years. Most notably after konami switched to Next Gen consoles.

It's the #1 reason why I skipped out on getting PES12.


Registered User
are ye talking of Master Lge online or just quick ranking matches?

I just play quick ranking matches, and find it strange sometimes with the amount of
comebacks in a game, last night i was losing 2-0 on 63mins, i won 3-2.. so you're telling me that this is scripted? I still had to score 3 goals myself though passing, etc


Registered User
I don't call it scripted. But i can not stress enough how shite online is in this game. I've never seen as many comebacks as in this year online (MLO and quick ranking, 2v2 you name it) I've been victim to some and i've made some myself. The thing is that the team being behind (ONLINE) is just sooo lucky and at some points during the games you can almost feel that anytime you shoot it will be a goal. Then when you get back in the game, the luck changes. ALL my matches online are 4-3 5-4 6-5 etc.