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Every Little Helps


Registered User
Now we all know the main gripes we have about PES and they are quite clearly documented all over the forums in many different threads so im not going to re-write them all again, no.

This is all about the little things that you wish you didnt hear or see throughout the matches we all play on PES, and make you go "omg he didnt just do that" or "that would never happen in real life".

Firstly, coming up to the much anticipated World Cup, i have been playing lots and lots of International Exhibition matches. Im not even sure if there is a cup mode for internationals to be honest but as far as i know there isnt, shame...anyway, i have noticed a few things.

1) Listen to the commentary leading up to kick-off. You might hear this little phrase, "These two teams have been put together at much expense". Now i dont know about you but it seems this line has been put in to say that the international managers actually paid for all these players to play in some kind of transfer dealings, bringing them in for millions of pounds from all over the world...

2) This goes for any type of match really. Again with the might take a cheeky long range effort to catch the keeper unawares but it goes high and wide. Commentators then pop-in with a "he should have scored that". Now a 40-yard effort is not likely to go in easily no matter who it is so i have no idea why they said that.

It seems that the commentary just wants to put you down rather than be positive. "He couldnt hit a barn door! Let alone the corner flag!" is another sweet line i heard after narrowly missing a chance. I would rather they said something like "oooohhh good effort" than constantly berate the player for being turdz when really its not really their fault, more the fact that the USA striker has like 60 shooting accuracy....

3) If anyone watched MoTD2 last night, (being the 25 April) then you might have seen the Birmingham v Villa match where a Villa player had a rifle of a shot and Hart parried it acrobatically over the bar with one hand. This is the kind of save i crave in PES. Keepers that can actually stretch their bodies and tip the ball out of danger realistically, rather than some kind of extra-hench gravity forcing them to only be able to jump an inch off the ground and then using the wrong hand to try and balloon it back into the oppositions feet. Its terrible...

4) Again if anyone watched the Man City match or the Chelsea match this weekend, two keepers were stretchered off during a match! Ever seen a keeper injured in PES? No i didnt think so...any point in having sub keepers?

5) Something that really gets to me at the moment. Picture a high ball sent from the keeper, you can see the opposition player waiting underneath it for the header or control, so you take your nearest player and run towards it to compete. You get there, press the header button and what happens? He stands there like a lemon behind the opposition player and lets him chest it down or head it to his team-mate, unchallenged. Cant see Terry playing PES much longer if thats whats gonna happen in the game...

6) Lastly from me for the time being, in probably the past year of watching football matches, i have probably seen one or two diving headers, one of them being Kalou's goal yesterday which wasnt really a diving header, just a stooped header. In PES however, everything seems to be backwards. Cross the ball in for a nice tap in and the striker steams in with a diving header from hell! All i want is some realistic striking, heading, tap-ins etc. I dont want to see all my players diving head first all over the pitch...

Please feel free to add any more of the small things that really get on your nerves :)


Registered User
I can give a very small criticism.

On tv when you read the score of a football and game the scorers, they never read like this

Barcelona 4 Real Madrid 0

Messi 19
Messi 43
Pedro 67
Messi 89

Barcelona 3 Real Madrid 0
Messi 19, 43, 89
Pedro 67

Very small gripe but you think they would have sorted that out by now, a few people do notice these things, and it takes up less screen space.


Registered User
I agree with most of it, but these are all little things which, in hindsight are always easy to nit-pick and appear in almost every game. For example, the title you chose for this thread makes no sense at all. "Every little helps???" Do you mean every little BIT helps?

Anyway, my point is that I think it's funny you are using words like "terrible" to describe these little mistakes but you are making them yourself. Take it with a grain of salt, and it's surely not going to keep you up at night.


Registered User
Every little helps is the Tesco catch-phrase... the title is a pun about the fact that the little things count!

I dont understand how you find it funny and think that i am making these mistakes MYSELF... i dont make the keepers as bad as they are. I dont make the commentators say silly things. I dont make my own players NOT head the ball on purpose. So im not sure what your going on about...

Of course they arent going to keep me up at night, its called the little things, not the main things that everyone rants about over and over. Thats why i made a seperate thread for them...


Registered User
Every little helps is the Tesco catch-phrase... the title is a pun about the fact that the little things count!

I dont understand how you find it funny and think that i am making these mistakes MYSELF... i dont make the keepers as bad as they are. I dont make the commentators say silly things. I dont make my own players NOT head the ball on purpose. So im not sure what your going on about...

Of course they arent going to keep me up at night, its called the little things, not the main things that everyone rants about over and over. Thats why i made a seperate thread for them...

OK. Your pun was totally lost on me, anyway. What's Tesco?

And I wasn't saying these little problems in the game are caused by you, I meant that you made a similar little error in the title of your post - or so I thought. Anyway, my point, is that I think we as a community need to put these suggestions into a positive format... In other words, I think it's a bit ridiculous to say that some of these small things are "terrible." Isn't that a bit much? Why not just make these suggestions instead of expecting the game to have everything you want as if it were expected to be perfect out of the box?

No worries. Just my perspective on it.


Registered User
Tesco is a supermarket in the UK :)

Ah. Well, I am canadian, eh. So that explains it.

Anyway, sorry for being a douche. You have some good little points, and I totally agree that every little, er, helps. I just wish that we all put things positively as opposed to expecting that these little things would be perfect.

Obviously that's just not the way people express themselves though, and surely Konami realize this.


Registered User
Here's one i've noticed, shots always seem to go in the middle of the net like they are trying to miss and players speed is useless you need 99 to keep up with someone with about 80 for speed!

Also this may have been mentioned in other threads but what the hell is up with the new penalty thing?! What a crappy view you get during a match( if you ever get penalties, i get say 4 a season on average).


Registered User
Ah. Well, I am canadian, eh. So that explains it.

Anyway, sorry for being a douche. You have some good little points, and I totally agree that every little, er, helps. I just wish that we all put things positively as opposed to expecting that these little things would be perfect.

Obviously that's just not the way people express themselves though, and surely Konami realize this.

ah i see :)

its just frustrating things that i wish was just a TINY bit different that would make all the difference.

[Shabadoo];1613473 said:
Here's one i've noticed, shots always seem to go in the middle of the net like they are trying to miss and players speed is useless you need 99 to keep up with someone with about 80 for speed!

Also this may have been mentioned in other threads but what the hell is up with the new penalty thing?! What a crappy view you get during a match( if you ever get penalties, i get say 4 a season on average).

Yea ive noticed the shots going in the centre all the time. ANNOYING!

Another thing i see a lot is when you cross the ball into the box or have a corner and your striker heads it towards goal, its normally right in the centre of the goal and flies over the keepers head. OR it will go to the corner of the net and the keeper wont even bother trying to dive, just walks casually towards it as it rockets past... GAHHH!!


Registered User
Another thing that happens more on top player is players do the most ridiculous touches or shots i've ever seen, here's an example.

Barcelona(me) vs Real Madrid, 1-1, stoppage time in the second half, Ibrahimovic rounds casillas all that is needed is a simple tap of the ball, or so i thought... when i tap square, remember i'm facing the net, the side foot shot, that a one legged blind 90 year old could score, goes wide.... i was right in the centre of the net, how the hell has that gone wide!? HOW!?

They aren't always that stupid but it still winds me up.


The intercept course for players to run onto a pass needs to be fixed, strikers automatically run to meet the pass behind the defenders, while the defenders meet the ball. The result is that strikers often find themselves looking stupid as the defender runs off with the ball several meters ahead of them.

poorer balance on all players, physical duels usually ends up with one party falling in real life, why not in PES?

more FK and penalties, less ridiculous cards.

one button for heading (or a combo) and one button for shooting to avoid these ridiculous diving headers on balls that are perfect to blast off volleys.


Registered User
[Shabadoo];1613520 said:
Another thing that happens more on top player is players do the most ridiculous touches or shots i've ever seen, here's an example.

Barcelona(me) vs Real Madrid, 1-1, stoppage time in the second half, Ibrahimovic rounds casillas all that is needed is a simple tap of the ball, or so i thought... when i tap square, remember i'm facing the net, the side foot shot, that a one legged blind 90 year old could score, goes wide.... i was right in the centre of the net, how the hell has that gone wide!? HOW!?

They aren't always that stupid but it still winds me up.

i have seen this once or twice. What i think happens is that once in a blue moon, the striker will perform a shooting animation where he side-foots it powerfully which looks nice but if you even a tad of power means it will rocket off to the corner flag....

Would be good if there was situational shots. If your through on an open goal, a casual tap in. One-on-one with the keeper, side-foot it in a direction. Also, in these kind of situations, i would like to see the keepers pre-empt where a shot might go and dive as hes about to shoot, not diving about 10 minutes afterwards. However, not diving too early and the right direction every time so he looks psychic!