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Registered User
Excuse me gentlemen, this is the wrong section besides you are all out of the topic......sorry for the interruption...


Trapped In Cabinets
So we don't play online on the XBOX PC or PS2 anymore? Ok nice to know. I think as we are talking about those who play online we are still within the confines of said title.


Wait Here, Gone for Help
He is GrownGooner so it is not off-topic and the little so and so went offline


Registered User
wot do u mean the little so-and-so u cant expect to bloody wait for u i sent u the friends request and u neevr came for a bout 30 mins play today


Registered User
I only play Pro Evo 4 online, i'm very good at it i think if anybody wants to play me at it;) i think my record is summin like.. 400 played, 340 won, 40 lost, 20 drawn. I'd love to have more folk to play, only people left on 4 are the hardcore players and French guys, Need more variety :( I'll give ya ma gamertag if any of you fancy it :)


Registered User
i have 3484 points!
but some guys are pissed me of ,
when they are behind always sliding, sliding etc
about every atack of me 3fouls,
but you can do that at pes 5
because youre almost never get a card
very very very someimes you get one
but when you do a slidin not one the ball
you have to get 90% a yellow card
but is only is 15%
that is what pissed me of


Registered User
y r u offline u umpty and i thought u was top-ranked 800 points thats shit but i accept u dont cheat otherwise youd have a lot more but that aint top-tanked thats pitiful:D

yur being an idiot i dont want to play u anyway and u was doin it on purpose accepting them then not and wiht 800 points it wud have been too easy anyway
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Wait Here, Gone for Help
Actually I wasnt and if you would like to know recently I had a problem with xbox and all my points got scrapped so I have had to build them up again plus I hardly play the game anymore doesnt help. I'd still beat you though


Wait Here, Gone for Help
I tried that already you dilbert. When it goes to connect it says no reply is getting found or it just stays at that screen for ages