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Pes 09 Favourite Trick!


Registered User
I hope they take away that feint. When Messi is doing it in the game is impossible to take the ball from him. And it's unreal! Nobody can do that feint in the real world that fast!


Registered User
There are so little tricks in game its not even funny , so you don't really have alot too choose from , I usually just dribble conventionally like Messi , sometimes using shot feints , no fancy tricks ( not much in game anyway ).


Registered User
you move towards the direction you want.


What I'm wondering is - what do you do to make the kick feint effective? Are people using it effectively in several different ways, i.e. while running forwards, while cutting, while stopped, etc., or is there one use of it that is really effective that I'm still missing.

I can't seem to get the hang of using it, but I hear a lot of people saying it's almost too good of a move on Top Player.


Registered User
Best trick for me is the "fake shot". You just go diagonally to one side and then use the shot+(x) to cut to the other, it almost never fails against the CPU.

But it's not for everyone, some people aren't fast enough to make good use of it.

As for the "Tevez Roulette".. I think it's absurd, I've never seen Tevez doing such a thing. Plus it looks very unrealistic IMO.

Another thing that I have found very effective in the game, and maybe a lot of people haven't noticed yet is that if you hold Both R1 and L1 the player dribbles the ball differently.. but if you Cross the ball (without directing it) whilst holding R1+L1 the player crosses the ball better.

I've done this with players like Beckham, and the crosses go in perfectly, probably better than when I direct them. It works better with the Double-Tap Cross or Low Cross. Haven't tried it with the usual cross.


Registered User
Best trick for me is the "fake shot". You just go diagonally to one side and then use the shot+(x) to cut to the other, it almost never fails against the CPU.

But it's not for everyone, some people aren't fast enough to make good use of it.

As for the "Tevez Roulette".. I think it's absurd, I've never seen Tevez doing such a thing. Plus it looks very unrealistic IMO.

Another thing that I have found very effective in the game, and maybe a lot of people haven't noticed yet is that if you hold Both R1 and L1 the player dribbles the ball differently.. but if you Cross the ball (without directing it) whilst holding R1+L1 the player crosses the ball better.

I've done this with players like Beckham, and the crosses go in perfectly, probably better than when I direct them. It works better with the Double-Tap Cross or Low Cross. Haven't tried it with the usual cross.
yes the R1+L1 makes the ball go higher and dip better. its good for chipping the keeper or chipped through ball.

try using it in BAL. go diagonaly to one direction facing the goal (just outside the box) and if done right you will drag 3-4 deffenders to your area., now, release the buttons and quickly turn to the other way. this will clear you a straight path to a 1-on-1.


Registered User
^^ Sweet tips guys.

Amateur, have you noticed that the fake shot and diagonal cut move you're talking about looks almost exactly the same as when you do a regular diagonal cut without the fake? I watched it over and over in slow mo doing one then the other, and the difference is really not very big IMO, which is why I was thinking maybe I'm not using the fake properly...


Registered User
^^ Sweet tips guys.

Amateur, have you noticed that the fake shot and diagonal cut move you're talking about looks almost exactly the same as when you do a regular diagonal cut without the fake? I watched it over and over in slow mo doing one then the other, and the difference is really not very big IMO, which is why I was thinking maybe I'm not using the fake properly...

I know what you mean, you'll feel the difference when you Stop completely.. For example, you could be Cutting the ball via the R2 and the directional -and- then you suddenly let go of the directional and then tap either R1 or R2.

After doing that, the player will stop, while stationary you direct your player towards one side and then "fake-shot" to the other side.

For me it is different, because when you cut the ball like you normally do, you need to use the R2 and the R1. Which for me takes more time. And besides that, I feel that there's a bit more explosiveness with the fake-shot.

Maybe your right, but I think your doing something wrong.

Although of course, you can always dribble through anyone by just using "close control" and then zig-zagging through the entire pitch. Which is always effective, but a bit boring.


Registered User
Although of course, you can always dribble through anyone by just using "close control" and then zig-zagging through the entire pitch. Which is always effective, but a bit boring.

Yeah, that's basically all I do, and it's one of the major problems with this year's gameplay. I want to add some variety to it.


Registered User
I dont really use that many tricks. Mainly just the feint shot, but I hardly use that one either. I mainly just dribble. In PES 2008 I still did some tricks from time to time, but with the new system I just cant be arsed.


Registered User
I was thinking more about the fact that the animation for the fake shot/feint looks almost identical to the diagonal cut move (say 80% the same in appearance or sometimes not noticeably different at all), and I think this was part of the initiative by Konami to integrate all the moves into the directional pad. In fact, that makes a lot of sense to me now...

My thoughts on this are that it should go back to the way it was. Players don't do a fake shot every single time they make a diagonal move, and fake shots should look more like fake shots when they are making a diagonal cut as well. This, to me, accounts for some of the robotics in the animation, and gives the player the ability to zig zag all over the pitch in an unrealistic way - which ruins the variety of movements and animation in the game to a significant degree.

Undo this move Seabass - It simply didn't work. I understand what you guys were trying to accomplish, but it is clear to me now that mapping all the moves to the directional pad was a bad move. No pun intended. ;)


Registered User
Im playing my master league with Napoli in Serie A so i created MARADONA from pes stats and he cant even do the roulete.although his ranking as a player has just hit D so this might change when he ranks higher.Hard coded skills are bollocks,If the best player who ever lived can't do the flip flap why bother.I envy the skills on fifa,you can even do the romario turn,ARE YOU LISTENING KONAMI!!!!!!!


Registered User
Im playing my master league with Napoli in Serie A so i created MARADONA from pes stats and he cant even do the roulete.although his ranking as a player has just hit D so this might change when he ranks higher.Hard coded skills are bollocks,If the best player who ever lived can't do the flip flap why bother.I envy the skills on fifa,you can even do the romario turn,ARE YOU LISTENING KONAMI!!!!!!!

Exactly!! I can see you know your fair share of Football, acknowledging "Romario's Trademark Move" and all that.

Why can't I decide if I want to have some random player who can do things the "Tevez Roulette" ?? Why make the "Roulette" a unique option?

Wouldn't it be better if Konami simply added an Individual Attribute for "360ª Roulettes and 180ª spins" ??

So that if an Individual haves a good "Roulette Stat" he will consequently have some unique "Roulette Animations" ?

I just don't get Konami sometimes.. it doesn't sounds very hard to have the "Roulette" featured in a list of animations. Similar to the "Special Abilities". But instead a "Special Animations" list that includes:

- The Romario Turn

- The Cruyff Turn

- Riquelme Trademark Moves

- etc, etc..

Is it really that hard??


Registered User
Wow. I hate to burst your bubble, but there's way more to it than that guys...

You can't have everything. Obvious example: Would the majority of fans be happy if Konami spent tonnes of dev time on roulettes (a tiny part of gameplay, and in real life only happening once every 5-10 games), when things like online, AI, ML, and other movements aren't sorted out? I'll let you answer that one for yourself.

Moreover, I think it takes a lot more work to do something like implement individual stats and animations for roulettes than you realize. Ever done any programming, play testing, or game animation? I have. I'm no professional, but I do know someone who works for EA who has confirmed my understanding of how much time and resorces these seemingly small changes take to get right. Point being: It's really not as easy to do it as it is to just think about it (much easier said than done). I gurantee you that and I think you'd be shocked to learn just how much time and troubleshooting it involves. Also, it isn't just a matter of throwing more people and money at the project, because you want quality people who understand your vision for the game. Not everyone is good enough to work for Konami, believe it or not, and if they added a bunch of new programmers and animators, that in itself also takes much more management time away from the bigger issues. So... Is it all worth it for subtle variations in an animation you rarely see in real life?

Of course you could try to do all these things, but the absolute bottom line is that it's a matter of priorities. Again, you can't have everything in a one year dev cycle when you've added new modes like BAL and CL.

It's not dumb!!! It's not lazy!!!! It's reality.



Registered User
Wow. I hate to burst your bubble, but there's way more to it than that guys...

You can't have everything. Obvious example: Would the majority of fans be happy if Konami spent tonnes of dev time on roulettes (a tiny part of gameplay, and in real life only happening once every 5-10 games), when things like online, AI, ML, and other movements aren't sorted out? I'll let you answer that one for yourself.

Moreover, I think it takes a lot more work to do something like implement individual stats and animations for roulettes than you realize. Ever done any programming, play testing, or game animation? I have. I'm no professional, but I do know someone who works for EA who has confirmed my understanding of how much time and resorces these seemingly small changes take to get right. Point being: It's really not as easy to do it as it is to just think about it (much easier said than done). I gurantee you that and I think you'd be shocked to learn just how much time and troubleshooting it involves. Also, it isn't just a matter of throwing more people and money at the project, because you want quality people who understand your vision for the game. Not everyone is good enough to work for Konami, believe it or not, and if they added a bunch of new programmers and animators, that in itself also takes much more management time away from the bigger issues. So... Is it all worth it for subtle variations in an animation you rarely see in real life?

Of course you could try to do all these things, but the absolute bottom line is that it's a matter of priorities. Again, you can't have everything in a one year dev cycle when you've added new modes like BAL and CL.

It's not dumb!!! It's not lazy!!!! It's reality.


I understand what your saying with realism being important but if someone wants to recreate a GREAT team from the past by using players like Zidane or Maradona these skill sets should come easy to such players.Great goals are rare,(bicycle kicks,scissor kicks etc)but if i want to create a particular player who can embarrass the AI or a mate then i should be able.PES 2009 has the right balance of realism but if they added more skills to the nice subtle touches they already have then the game would own FIFA outright.


Registered User
Of course you could try to do all these things, but the absolute bottom line is that it's a matter of priorities. Again, you can't have everything in a one year dev cycle when you've added new modes like BAL and CL.

I dont expect everything in one year. Well actually, I do. But thats because Konami has taken the easy road for the past couple of years. Gameplay wise the game hasnt improved that much and feature wise the game also hasnt improved that much. I still prefer PES over FIFA. But FIFA has really improved a lot over the past couple of years. If EA keeps this up, they might just pass PES this year.


Registered User
Wow. I hate to burst your bubble, but there's way more to it than that guys...

You can't have everything. Obvious example: Would the majority of fans be happy if Konami spent tonnes of dev time on roulettes (a tiny part of gameplay, and in real life only happening once every 5-10 games), when things like online, AI, ML, and other movements aren't sorted out? I'll let you answer that one for yourself.

Moreover, I think it takes a lot more work to do something like implement individual stats and animations for roulettes than you realize. Ever done any programming, play testing, or game animation? I have. I'm no professional, but I do know someone who works for EA who has confirmed my understanding of how much time and resorces these seemingly small changes take to get right. Point being: It's really not as easy to do it as it is to just think about it (much easier said than done). I gurantee you that and I think you'd be shocked to learn just how much time and troubleshooting it involves. Also, it isn't just a matter of throwing more people and money at the project, because you want quality people who understand your vision for the game. Not everyone is good enough to work for Konami, believe it or not, and if they added a bunch of new programmers and animators, that in itself also takes much more management time away from the bigger issues. So... Is it all worth it for subtle variations in an animation you rarely see in real life?

Of course you could try to do all these things, but the absolute bottom line is that it's a matter of priorities. Again, you can't have everything in a one year dev cycle when you've added new modes like BAL and CL.

It's not dumb!!! It's not lazy!!!! It's reality.


Yes it is worth it, because you know what?? This are Next Gen Consoles, and we pay "Next Gen Ca$h" for this consoles. We deserve our money's worth.

Can you give me one good reason as to WHY after nearly a decade the PES series is still using the same exact set of Stats and Special Abilities??

I would really like to hear about that, how is it that in nearly 10 years they have not "evolved" in that respect??

The Reality is that, yes it is hard, that's why they earn their ca$h... but it isn't impossible, it should have been there by now, and at the end of the day it's all down to laziness or lack of resources, nothing more.

Generating maximum Profit with minimum effort. This is how Companies work.

And lastly, Who gives a shite about "BAL" if Konami cannot even manage to get "The Classic" Gameplay right?? It's ridiculous.

You cannot start Running without learning how to Walk or Crawl 1st.

Bottom Line is, Who gives a shit about "New Modes" if after the passing of each year The Gameplay is looking (and playing) more and more Out of Date ??

I'll tell you one thing, Konami can add all the new modes they want, but that won't change the FACT that their "Foundations" are well Out of Date.

EA have Capitalized on that fact, taken full advantage of that, this Year's Sales are a clear indication of a series in decline.


Registered User
They should do this

They should increase the motions to at least 15 and add another option of dribbling style so some invidual can have a different dribbling style as the other , for example if you make a C.ronaldo dribbling style and Messi dribbling style when you make the same move with both they would do a different dribble depending on what they do in real life , not that Messi , C.Ronaldo , Tevez , Vidic , Puyol .... every god damn player is doing the same thing and every player is doing step overs when its clear that only a few players do them like ronaldo and robinho.. etc