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PES 2008 PS3-Xbox 360 **US** released version comments Thread


Registered User
Hey guys, i havent played the Euro version of this PES 2008 but the version i am playing right now in the US for PS3 is awsome! I love it already, to the contrary it is not too fast like others have said, i feel the game's pace is right on point where it should be. The touch, the whole game feels like everyother winnings with no big changes made, and that actually makes me feel good. Im sure theres hidden tricks and other stuff that i dont know yet but i will learn all that in the coming months, but so far i love this game already!!!!

I started this thread for those like me that have heard stuff from the euro PES 2008 users and to compare what they say to our version here states side, i dunno if they changed the game for us a little but it lpays really smooth. What does everyone else think? Only thing i dont like is in the entrance scenes or any type of scene beyond game play is choppy. Wasnt there a download fix for this that konami released??


Registered User
I didn't purchase it because I got the UK version, but has said some good things about the gameplay. IGN is going to give a full final review soon. I know someone is going to ask you, so save us the trouble and play online. Then let us know weather it lags or not. Or if the lag is tolerable.


Registered User
ok i just finished playing online for the first time, the lag is not there like in ps2 when playing someone bad, but i still have no idea how to know if the person your playing's connection is just as good as yours or compatiable? You know what i mean? Like in PES 6 you'll have like 2 or 3 bars, so far dont know whawt they use in this game.

But the lag isnt there, but instead you have some gay crap happen like the ball will disappear after tackling your oppponent and then reappear in his possesion, its wierd. I hope this only happens with bad connectiosn like playing a laggy opponent.


Registered User
ok i just finished playing online for the first time, the lag is not there like in ps2 when playing someone bad, but i still have no idea how to know if the person your playing's connection is just as good as yours or compatiable? You know what i mean? Like in PES 6 you'll have like 2 or 3 bars, so far dont know whawt they use in this game.

But the lag isnt there, but instead you have some gay crap happen like the ball will disappear after tackling your oppponent and then reappear in his possesion, its wierd. I hope this only happens with bad connectiosn like playing a laggy opponent.

Thanks...sounds like nothing has changed too much.


Registered User
One question, how is the menue?? is it the same as the Euro verion??

how is the editing and the masterleague?? I hope it got better because the euro pes2008 is a joke


Registered User
I havent messed with editing too much, i'll get back to you on that tonight. And the menu is really big faced print, and you can only see it one option at a time like an arcade style menu that scrolls from one big section to the next, not like the classic WE/PES screens where its just flush with a picture in the back and all the options you can see at once.


Registered User
i just picked up my copy on lunch break today... can't wait to get home to crack out!

i've been playing the demo on xbox live for a few days... and overall i like the gameplay, although it does seem a bit fast imo...

and the replay system took a step backward too... and its a bit choppy.

but all in all i liked what i played with the demo.


Registered User
yea i have the us version, got it yesterday. ANd I wonder why so many ps3 pes gamers say this game sucks? oh wait you bought a ps3, haha what do you expect. Everyone knows the ps3 is flawed and its engine sucks compared to 360. Its overpowered so games really look like shit. The 360 version runs smooth, the only complaint I have is the rebound/deflection engine. The ball rebounds like a pinball machine. But that is sorta how it is in real life. But then again this is a game. I liked last years rebound/deflection engine. But the player movement, shooting, new moves, new goals and better headers. Make this a great game. I love it. I already made a golaso my first day playing it. I scored of a chest to header with abidal and barca. This game rocks.


Registered User
ANd I wonder why so many ps3 pes gamers say this game sucks? oh wait you bought a ps3, haha what do you expect. Everyone knows the ps3 is flawed and its engine sucks compared to 360. Its overpowered so games really look like shit.

I don't own a PS3 or a 360, but WTF are you talking about? Everybody knows that? Are you sure?

I already made a golaso my first day playing it

Exactly the problem with this PES. In a month you'll be beating the AI with a 6 goal margin or more on every single damned game. How fun is that? Funny as FIFA 2001!

And you can't even escape single player because multi sucks. If you have PES-playing buddies near your house, though, you're in for some good times :thumbsup:


Registered User
. ANd I wonder why so many ps3 pes gamers say this game sucks? oh wait you bought a ps3, haha what do you expect. Everyone knows the ps3 is flawed and its engine sucks compared to 360. Its overpowered so games really look like shit.

What's the word i'm looking for here?

Ahh, yes.



Registered User
i'll say that it seems more "real" than last years version... in that i mean

- player movement: more fluid, looks better, feels less boxy.
- pace: i was afraid after the demo that it would be too fast, but the must have fixed that, as its got great pace.
- AI: intelligence is up IMO, its a much more cerebral play engine.

things i havent gotten used to yet?
- the absolute need for Super Canel... last year i didnt need it, it was an extra "trick" in the book... this year, its essential to use it. players stay locked in position more, waiting for the ball to arrive. i find the button combo awkward myself, but will need to learn to use it, otherwise i'll never get better.

- how "loose" players are with the ball at their feet... seems like the COM has an easier time taking the ball away from me. my players dont retain possession as much as last year.

- shooting is better this year... the power gauge actually means something now... which i'll have to get used to, but which is awesome!

and i'll say that not only have i scored in my first few matches, but i've actually won a match! i dont think i won a match for about 2 weeks on last years game.

i'm frustrated that they didn't update the rosters with transfers from at least the end of last august... but what can you do... option file if you can i suppose.

i'm excited to have some time this weekend to really dive in and get acquainted with 08... spend some time on the training ground working on super cancel, free kicks, and corners.

overall, i give it a definite thumbs up! definitely an upgrade from last year after one day!


Registered User
I am glad I waited and didn't import the European version. I have only played 3 games yesterday but during my 3 game experience I have to say the game is flawless. The gameplay is an improvement over the last years game, feels so much better this year. There are no frame rate or freezing issues on my PS3 as the European version seemed to have. So far I am impressed with the game. The only thing that's missing is a good option file. This will definitely be a fun game I think as long as the online part of it plays similar to the offline game which I will find out later in the weekend when I become more familiar with the gameplay.


Registered User
My buddy brougit it up, but the pace is right there with WE 8 which i think for euro heads is PES 4??? Im not sure, but yea. The only flaw so far is the online play, but playing a buddy yesterday was awsome! Its as fun as WE8 in that sense! Used to play my buddies for hours before online play existed!

This game though, feels sort of unfinished like it has some rough edges. I wish they would have worked a little harder on our version here states side because this game had the potential to be incredible!! I already though like it more so than FIFA 08' but PES 09' i have a feeling will be awsome!!


Registered User
O yea, and also i just finished playing like 4 games online, the network online gaming is SOOOOO SCREWED UP!!! They need to fix this before i even try to go back on and play!!!


Registered User
The game play is not to bad, but my god does the grainy graphics kill me. I bought a frickin 40" HD tv to play all of my games with stunning graphics. PES2008 was one of the titles i anticipated most and to be honest it has the worst graphics of all the games i play. Resistance, and Orange box look awesome, while PES looks half assed. The entrance scene skips around and the replays are the worst. The grass looks like Konami used some cheap ass lense to magnify grass 10000X. I tried playing one online game last night and after two minutes of play the connection dropped. 54 dollars for a game that looks like Konami didnt even adjust some of the errors in the european version


Registered User
i would prefer 360 and ps3 comments wouldve been kept separete threads, so we dont get any confusions. i have the ps3 copy and its awesome i love the nice grass and the adboards are great too, IM LOVIN THE STADIUMS, this game has exeeded my espectations, theres lag problem but its better cause at least when i get the ball it runs smoothly so thats an improvement imo. im not liking the fact that in my last 2 online games the scored ended 8-6 and 6-5 in my favor i hope it doesnt turn out to be a high scoring game, since that is not realistic

i dont like superpowerful barcelona, and i specially hate all the people that use that team, they are the same ones that were choosing chelsea in pes2007 and milan in we9 and skipped it in pes2007 and are now back to playn with them again just to get easy wins


Registered User
Glad most you Yanks like it! it really does have great potential
and yes the grass looks something I crapped after having lots of salad and have you seen the crowd at close range? They are literally 1 dimensional cardboard friends of seabass.. but thats not the reason why we buy PES, it never has been, as long as the gameplay is decent right?


Registered User
I used to own the euro... The American version is superior to the euro.. haven't played the pal-secam (Jap) version... offline it is far superior, especially head to head. Online, there are still some glitches, but overall still better than the piece of shit the euro was... I would say it would be a smart move to come out with next pro evo release next march worldwide


New Member
I just played a couple of matches on PS3, and it was pretty much what I expected. Better graphics, and player animation, some slow down but still the PES i know and love. I had the Euro Ps2 version, and it was awesome, and most importantly had the Community Menu, which for some reason is missing on the PS3. That's probably my biggest gripe with it, as the community menu was a good way to have bragging rights over friends.