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After days of trying, i've finally got the OF working. Thanks Daymos, it looks brilliant!
For anybody who has had problems installing this file, i must stress that it's important that you transfer it over in 2 parts just like Daymos said in an earlier post. For some reason, it just doesn't copy all of the files if you transfer it all over at once. Transfer the "EDIT.bin" file to "UNIFORM179.bin" first and once that has finished, transfer the rest of the files over. Load up PES, select an exhibition game, and then enjoy PES11 that way it should be!
Thanks again Daymos and Macheda
Tried what you said, the 1st part worked fine but it crashed as soon as i tried the 2nd part. Are you using a memory card and xport 360 to transfer the files? i have a 256 mb memory card, maybe i need a bigger memory card???
has anybody been able to figure out how to play with a npower team in master league and have low budget ??? i want to start a new masterleague with bristol city ! but i dont want 26 million to start with i want the low budget how do you do it guys ????
Yes. You have to start a ML without the OF as a non edited D2 Team representing Bristol C. Save and quit. Then you install the OF and your league and teams will update. To figure out which team that represents Bristol C you can count your way to it since they are in alphabetic order.
Daymos, sorry for the confusion.
Here is the breakdown from where i stand and everyone should read this bit;
You can start a ML with the OF installed and everything is fine. All teams in the right place. No editing required. Team budget will be inflated due to Konami's decision to tweak budgets of edited teams.
If and i mean IF you want to start the ML with default players and the normal budget, then you need to do the following;
0. Delete all the OF stuff if needed on your HD (remember to backup saves and replays if you want them).
1. Go into the game from fresh, i.e no OF, all Konami default stuff.
2. Go to edit mode, in the league structure section, swap Winning Eleven in D2 with the first team in 'PES League'.
3. Start a ML and pick default line up, then pick the team in D2 that will match the team you want to play in the OF and save the game (i created a save of all 18 teams as a starting point).
4. Install the OF, and when you load your save(s) you should have the regular money, but with all the teams right.
5. If you find Stuttgart in nPower then you have missed or gone wrong on point No.2
Hope that settles the confusion, sorry if i caused any of it with my posts.
JimmyDeemo and everyone else with that problem- If you want to start a master league with the normal budget this is what you have to do.
1. Go to edit mode, pick your team - Reset the Team Name, Emblem, Home Ground, and Support to default. Don't save the edit data when you leave edit mode.
2. Start the master league with your team. Save and quit.
3. Got to edit mode, load edit data.
4. Load Master league. Thats it.
If you want to make sure that no edited teams have inflated budgets... you have to do step 1 for every edited team. Takes 5 minutes. Just doing your team takes maybe 6 seconds.
Daymo man, my xbox isnt liking the patch, it keeps corrupting all the data. Lost my ML -_-
How much are those USBs?