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Fifa Street!!!!!(

Alberto Tomba

Registered User
Personally I love the f*****' idea!
It's true that Basketball is a street game and it's also very true that soccer/football is being played as a street sport as well so... If they go with the visual style they have for NBA Street Vol.3 then I'm ALL for it.

Ogopa Djz

Registered User
Giggsy11 said:
if konami released this u wouldn't say anything bad about it...................

Yeah Probably :D I doubt this game will suck,rarely do EA BIG games suck.If this game gets the same attention and creativity that NBA Street and SSX do it'll be hit.

tom pain

Sent Off<br><img src="http://.pesins
SSX games are wicked, NBA Street and Vol. 2 are awesome, haven't played NFL Street but that looked okay - if pulled off as well as the others this game will be a refreshing change from the competitive simulation market.


Registered User
I think it's a great idea, if they get it right.

I think FIFA 2000 or one near that time had an option here you could play an indoor 5-a-side match and that worked well for a quick multiplayer on a sat night, goals scored by balls flying off players arses made it more entertaining though. Can't see the game have much longetivity (if that's a word) though sounds like you can only take that game so far, great for multiplayer, maybe.


NFL Street, and NBA Street worked well, both made by EA as part of the "BIG" series. Which is the series that this game will go into when made. It has potential and if it lives up to the afore mentioned games then it will be a success. However, one must wonder if football is the right sport, NFL and NBA both have very obvious street influences, whereas with football, surprisingly, they are not so obvious.


I think this is a great idea by EA.Its the kind of football game i've always wanted to own so i cud see myself buying this.I haven't played NBA street or that but heard it was good so as some of you say,if this lives up to them then it will surely be a hit , i'll be sure to be checking for info all year long!



Super 14 Champions 2006
i think i wil hire this game, and be bored of it by the time i have to take it back.. after you get over the skills, i dont think it will have the lastativity.

Highway Penguin

Registered User
From the vid, I find the game quite interesting. I'd liked to have seen another game designer do it. Fifa seems to turn stuff into a childish game. I do have to say that Fifa 2004 I think, was quite interesting. Too bad there wasn't an editing mode. :) Gotta love WE for having one. :D

Anyways, looking forward to the release, should be an interesting rent. :)


Registered User
i think it will be great as it comes from a well known background, the BIG family. and also think about all the sick moves you can pull and not to mention the gamebreaker, i wonder what will it be like :rolleyes:


BIG also made DJV1 didnt they? that was a great game,(Was missing a few things,but still great!) so heres hoping this game will be a hit!



fifa street...hmmm...

i think it could be a decent game, i will have to at least rent it and see how it is


Registered User
I think this game could be great!!!

Everyone says FIFA is all about the skills and tricks and thats EXACTLY what street football is all about.

as for saying football doesnt have "obvious" street influences, well thats rubbish. There's a massive underground street football world in Holland and theres not a kid alive who can say they never played footie in the street with they're mates.

This is a match made in heaven, it leaves Konami to do the simulation stuff of REAL football, while having the mess around trickery of street football left to EA. If its half as good as NBA street it'll be great!


Is this game based on the Nike game called PANNA KO?
I have a dvd about it and its a one-on-one game, where you have to nutmeg(panna) the other person(and win instantly), or score the most goals in three minutes, great fun, filled with skill!