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Had to quit Master League, Nearly done with this game.


Registered User
I don't know why your on negative rep, but what your saying is the truth.

Unfortunately we have geek freaks who are wanna be computer programmers who think they can do a better job at making a football game than konami or even fifa. Yet their still in their basements complaining about every tiny thing thats wrong with the game doing nothing about it, not even getting off their bums and enrolling on a college course.

Last year the game was too easy and we had people complaining that its no challenge.

This year konami up the ante and make the game more challenging, now these bitches complain the AI cheat and they should win every game,

I have better things to do than doing video games. The problems are pretty obvious, and have very little to do with "DUMB AI"

Even if the AI was smart, PES11 would still be a shit video game. How superficial can people be to call that a "realistic" football sim. It's good if you still like PES5, but a very poor game if you expect something different.

I'm glad you seem to be enjoying the game; have kick out of it.

I don't enjoy it that much, it's too superficial and automatic. When I play PES11, it feels like playing PES5, I do not like PES5; that's the reason why I don't enjoy PES11, it is very outdated where it matters the most.

I think I'm done with video games altogether, I don't like how the football genre is spiraling towards the superficial and the insubstantial, cannot enjoy it anymore.


I have better things to do than doing video games. The problems are pretty obvious, and have very little to do with "DUMB AI"

Even if the AI was smart, PES11 would still be a shit video game. How superficial can people be to call that a "realistic" football sim. It's good if you still like PES5, but a very poor game if you expect something different.

I'm glad you seem to be enjoying the game; have kick out of it.

I don't enjoy it that much, it's too superficial and automatic. When I play PES11, it feels like playing PES5, I do not like PES5; that's the reason why I don't enjoy PES11, it is very outdated where it matters the most.

I think I'm done with video games altogether, I don't like how the football genre is spiraling towards the superficial and the insubstantial, cannot enjoy it anymore.

Good for you kid that your done with video games. I'm glad you finally found the front door to your house and entered the outside world.

Maybe you can do us all a favour and move on from pesgaming since you don't like video games anymore. It would save me from reading all your inane concept babbling about expecting the players to replicate everything in real life from extending the minutes per match to expecting top of the range off the ball player movement that you keep banging on about.

I've not really played too much of pes11 due to the patch makers taking their time sorting out the OF, so I can't say whether I'm enjoying it or not to be honest.

However I can tell the usual suspects who just enjoy being negative for the sake of it instead of giving credit where cred is due. I hated last years version pes10 but played this years demo and its a step forward in the right direction.

It may not be perfect but with the current limitations of the console and what not there isn't a better footie game out there.


Registered User
Current limitations of the console?

Seriously, if codemasters can replicate in a football game what they can do with their racing games they'd be about 7-8 years ahead of pes and fifa. Pes needs a new engine to create new movements and body types. Unfortunetly they think pes 2011 is the be all and end all so they will piss about with it for years to come. this means I have to watch kaka run like a neanderthal man chasing a wooly mamoth. It also means the ball will bounce off players as if they were made put of iron and have the poorer players in the game moving around like they're carrying a tonne of bricks.

This current engine needs arguably 8-10,000 new annimations. There is not enough variety atm. Its fun but in pes 4 5 6 you would get so many random events in a match that you would see once or twice a season. Now every game plays out the same. Its great that big teams are super hard to beat in ML but every time I or they attack you can see it all planned out. The ball has its part to play in all this aswell. Its currently to heavy I feel. It needs lightening up. Ps2 pes and pes 6 xbox 360 seemed to have it right but now it bounces around like a medicine ball. That needs to change, everything needs changing, why o why did they screw up the demo gameplay


Registered User
Good for you kid that your done with video games. I'm glad you finally found the front door to your house and entered the outside world.

Maybe you can do us all a favour and move on from pesgaming since you don't like video games anymore. It would save me from reading all your inane concept babbling about expecting the players to replicate everything in real life from extending the minutes per match to expecting top of the range off the ball player movement that you keep banging on about.

I've not really played too much of pes11 due to the patch makers taking their time sorting out the OF, so I can't say whether I'm enjoying it or not to be honest.

However I can tell the usual suspects who just enjoy being negative for the sake of it instead of giving credit where cred is due. I hated last years version pes10 but played this years demo and its a step forward in the right direction.

It may not be perfect but with the current limitations of the console and what not there isn't a better footie game out there.

And you are the authority on who is a "geek" and who is not a geek?

I think it's fucking hilarious, that some people are dumb enough to talk about "geeks" in a video game forum.

It is year 2010, the restrictions are not PS3 restrictions, the restrictions is simply that both Konami and EA Sports are tweaking a very old FAMICOM FOUNDATION; Konami admitted this themselves.

FAMICOM KONAMI -- you should look that up, before saying stupid shit.

If knowing the FACT that the video game is not actually restricted by the PS3 console, if knowing the mentioned FACT makes me a "geek" -- then I would take a geek any day of the week, to a fucking dumb consumer who has no clue about what he is talking about.

PES11 is a step in right direction, yet you have not even played the game... LMAO.... but a step in the right direction nonetheless; most PES fans are noobs who want a superficial video game, so yeah, I would say PES11 is a step in the right direction: a superficial game for superficial gamers, seems right.

I know you will enjoy playing it, because you are a fucking dumb gamer who still probably enjoys playing PES5, you never say anything worth reading, ever; and you think PES11 is restricted by a PS3 console *LMAO*

Which pretty much tells me everything I need to know about you as a gamer, you are a fucking lousy gamer, a proper noob if I say so myself, who never says anything relevant because you never actually think about the shit that you write, and you actually talk about "geeks" in a video game forum *LMFAO*

That's funny shit, talking about ''geeks" in a video game forum; a smart fellow you must be, to be doing such a thing.

You don't know shit about me, yet here you are calling names and saying stupid shit. Continue wasting your time saying meaningless and redundant things. At least I know what I am talking about; and yes, I am done with video games.

Perhaps you will see my absence as something great. I mean, good for you I guess. But having said that, what the fuck have I ever done to you?

Current limitations of the console?

Seriously, if codemasters can replicate in a football game what they can do with their racing games they'd be about 7-8 years ahead of pes and fifa. Pes needs a new engine to create new movements and body types. Unfortunetly they think pes 2011 is the be all and end all so they will piss about with it for years to come. this means I have to watch kaka run like a neanderthal man chasing a wooly mamoth. It also means the ball will bounce off players as if they were made put of iron and have the poorer players in the game moving around like they're carrying a tonne of bricks.

This current engine needs arguably 8-10,000 new annimations. There is not enough variety atm. Its fun but in pes 4 5 6 you would get so many random events in a match that you would see once or twice a season. Now every game plays out the same. Its great that big teams are super hard to beat in ML but every time I or they attack you can see it all planned out. The ball has its part to play in all this aswell. Its currently to heavy I feel. It needs lightening up. Ps2 pes and pes 6 xbox 360 seemed to have it right but now it bounces around like a medicine ball. That needs to change, everything needs changing, why o why did they screw up the demo gameplay

I agree with you.

It's just a dumb and automatic video game for the masses who know absolutely nothing about Football. For me, I feel like I am playing a mix between PES5 and FIFA09: PES11 is one of the dumbest video games I have ever played.

Even with all the flaws in it, PES10 was actually smarter in some critical areas: L2 STRATEGIES and OFF-THE-BALL MOVEMENT.

PES11 is dumb and automatic in all areas, all areas; PES10 had very addictive and substantial hooks hidden under all the mediocrity... Konami decided to eliminate the only thing that PES10 actually did as it should be done, too substantial for the masses I guess.

PES11 and FIFA11 are fucking dumb, I feel insulted, not entertained.

And sadly, not only do Konami thinks PES11 is a great video game; but we also have deluded fan boys who think PES11 is a great video game, fan boys who actually think that PES11 is restricted by a PS3 console.

If only a PS3 console could talk, and say how shit PES11 and FIFA11 truly are.


And you are the authority on who is a "geek" and who is not a geek?

I think it's fucking hilarious, that some people are dumb enough to talk about "geeks" in a video game forum.

It is year 2010, the restrictions are not PS3 restrictions, the restrictions is simply that both Konami and EA Sports are tweaking a very old FAMICOM FOUNDATION; Konami admitted this themselves.

FAMICOM KONAMI -- you should look that up, before saying stupid shit.

If knowing the FACT that the video game is not actually restricted by the PS3 console, if knowing the mentioned FACT makes me a "geek" -- then I would take a geek any day of the week, to a fucking dumb consumer who has no clue about what he is talking about.

PES11 is a step in right direction, yet you have not even played the game... LMAO.... but a step in the right direction nonetheless; most PES fans are noobs who want a superficial video game, so yeah, I would say PES11 is a step in the right direction: a superficial game for superficial gamers, seems right.

I know you will enjoy playing it, because you are a fucking dumb gamer who still probably enjoys playing PES5, you never say anything worth reading, ever; and you think PES11 is restricted by a PS3 console *LMAO*

Which pretty much tells me everything I need to know about you as a gamer, you are a fucking lousy gamer, a proper noob if I say so myself, who never says anything relevant because you never actually think about the shit that you write, and you actually talk about "geeks" in a video game forum *LMFAO*

That's funny shit, talking about ''geeks" in a video game forum; a smart fellow you must be, to be doing such a thing.

You don't know shit about me, yet here you are calling names and saying stupid shit. Continue wasting your time saying meaningless and redundant things. At least I know what I am talking about; and yes, I am done with video games.

Perhaps you will see my absence as something great. I mean, good for you I guess. But having said that, what the fuck have I ever done to you?

I agree with you.

It's just a dumb and automatic video game for the masses who know absolutely nothing about Football. For me, I feel like I am playing a mix between PES5 and FIFA09: PES11 is one of the dumbest video games I have ever played.

Even with all the flaws in it, PES10 was actually smarter in some critical areas: L2 STRATEGIES and OFF-THE-BALL MOVEMENT.

PES11 and FIFA11 are fucking dumb, I feel insulted, not entertained.

And sadly, not only do Konami thinks PES11 is a great video game; but we also have deluded fan boys who think PES11 is a great video game, fan boys who actually think that PES11 is restricted by a PS3 console.

If only a PS3 console could talk, and say how shit PES11 and FIFA11 truly are.

lol look at you getting emotional and having a fit and going into rant mode jumping from one subject to next with no coherence. Where did I call you a geek? Is that your prosecution complex raring it's ugly head again? I havn't called you any names son, your simply paranoid and off your face.

If you think I got time to be arguing with you about lifeless consoles and whats wrong with the game then you got another thing coming.

Calling me a fanboy yet you buy the game every year and come on here every day writing essays like a chump.

Like I said I'll reserve judgements until I played it in depth, however I know its not as bad as you like to make out.

Why don't you build an engine for a footie game if you know how to make such a smart in depth game thats better?


Registered User
I don't know why your on negative rep, but what your saying is the truth.

Unfortunately we have geek freaks who are wanna be computer programmers who think they can do a better job at making a football game than konami or even fifa. Yet their still in their basements complaining about every tiny thing thats wrong with the game doing nothing about it, not even getting off their bums and enrolling on a college course.

Last year the game was too easy and we had people complaining that its no challenge.

This year konami up the ante and make the game more challenging, now these bitches complain the AI cheat and they should win every game,
Very good mature post. I for one am totally enjoying pes 2011, it's soooo much better than pes 2010.

At the end of the day what we have in pes 2011 is a remarkably good soccer sim. Yes it's got some flaws , i don't think their gamebreaking in the least. The cursor switching can be a problem but i find if your quick enough on the L1 it's not so much a problem.

I love how the shooting is now more difficult, it's way more realistic. The keepers are so much better than last years, and yes i know they are still prone to some costly mistakes.

Last years pes was very difficult to play for me, i found defending VERY difficult especially from corners, every cross that came into my box resulted in a goal. The games flaws beat me , not the person i was playing against.

In pes2011 i can defend pretty well and the corners are excellent too, i feel if i concede a goal to a cross it's down more to my mistake than the AI. Don't get me wrong i know there are problems with the AI in the game, but at the moment i am loving the game.

I play on semi assisted passing and at times it's more like i am playing on manual passing. Konami have done a stellar job this year with pes 2011.

Any flaws people are having with the game where they believe there are genuine gamebreaking flaws need to step back and take a deep breath and play pes 2011 for what it is, and that is a supremly good game of soccer.

Imagine what future pes games will be like now konami have a good base in place. :)


Registered User
Very good mature post. I for one am totally enjoying pes 2011, it's soooo much better than pes 2010.

At the end of the day what we have in pes 2011 is a remarkably good soccer sim. Yes it's got some flaws , i don't think their gamebreaking in the least. The cursor switching can be a problem but i find if your quick enough on the L1 it's not so much a problem.

I love how the shooting is now more difficult, it's way more realistic. The keepers are so much better than last years, and yes i know they are still prone to some costly mistakes.

Last years pes was very difficult to play for me, i found defending VERY difficult especially from corners, every cross that came into my box resulted in a goal. The games flaws beat me , not the person i was playing against.

In pes2011 i can defend pretty well and the corners are excellent too, i feel if i concede a goal to a cross it's down more to my mistake than the AI. Don't get me wrong i know there are problems with the AI in the game, but at the moment i am loving the game.

I play on semi assisted passing and at times it's more like i am playing on manual passing. Konami have done a stellar job this year with pes 2011.

Any flaws people are having with the game where they believe there are genuine gamebreaking flaws need to step back and take a deep breath and play pes 2011 for what it is, and that is a supremly good game of soccer.

Imagine what future pes games will be like now konami have a good base in place. :)

Right, maturity is all about calling people "geeks" and things like that, that's very mature, that's what mature people say; even more mature when you consider the fact that the mature person has not actually played the game.

PES11 is good if you like PES5, but sadly, it has nothing to do with playing Football.

It feels like a mix of FIFA09 with PES5, nothing remarkable, just a quick and easy fix for the masses; there's absolutely no substance at its core.

You like it: good for you.

But please spare me the "mature" bullshit, I do not like the game, that does not make me immature in any way.

PES10 has more to do with Football; PES11 is too easy, too automatic, too superficial, it is hard for me to believe that some people are having a hard time adjusting to PES11.

I can play PES5 and then go straight to PES11... same game as far as I'm concerned. It's just disappointing.

lol look at you getting emotional and having a fit and going into rant mode jumping from one subject to next with no coherence. Where did I call you a geek? Is that your prosecution complex raring it's ugly head again? I havn't called you any names son, your simply paranoid and off your face.

If you think I got time to be arguing with you about lifeless consoles and whats wrong with the game then you got another thing coming.

Calling me a fanboy yet you buy the game every year and come on here every day writing essays like a chump.

Like I said I'll reserve judgements until I played it in depth, however I know its not as bad as you like to make out.

Why don't you build an engine for a footie game if you know how to make such a smart in depth game thats better?

Yeah, you did not called me a geek, but everything you said completely discredited everything I have said so far in this thread; so am I not a geek according to you?

According to you, did you not say that we have geeks who think they know better than Konami? Who cannot see that PES11 is restricted by a PS3 console?

I do not respond nor mention people for no reason, I quoted you for a reason; according to your broad description of these "geeks", I fall well within the parameters, because I do not think PES11 is restricted by a PS3 console.

Yet, you clearly disagree with me; even though you have not played the game yet.

Anyways, ignoring the irrelevant parts of your post; the smart hook was in PES10, with the L2 STRATEGIES.

It would have been fairly easy; L2 + (x) button, a selected individual will move horizontally; L2 + (o) button, the striker offers close support to the ball carrier, etc, etc.

Simple features that would make the game more substantial; you don't need a new engine to do that, in fact it was POSSIBLE in PES10.

Instead of doing that, PES11 eliminated the L2 STRATEGIES, and it's just too easy and straightforward; it is abundantly clear that Konami is copying FIFA, making a dumb and superficial and yet pretty game, for the masses.

After all the talk about the new defensive system, I did not even bothered reading the booklet; it is the same old rubbish, automatic tackling, one type of sliding tackle, same old shit.

Adding more directions and more polish to the same old shit, will never actually change how you play the game; because it still is the same stupid concept, only difference is that you now have more directions in terms of passing and running.

Konami should try to make it a bit more substantial where it matters the most, in terms of how you play football.

For this to happen, the user needs simple controls to dictate his own script on-the-fly, and also, the rubbish defensive system needs to be replaced by something completely different: a defensive system that actually requires the use of your brain, where you cannot literally control the direction in which you run with the left analogue stick.

PES11 is pick up and play, I have nothing against the people who do like it; however, calling people "geeks" just because they are moaning for a perfectly good reason, isn't very mature is it?

Hopefully you will like the game, at least you wont spend a lot of money and then end up disappointed with the product.

That's how I feel about PES11, disappointed with how average the game is, after experiencing the freedom of dictating my own script with the L2 STRATEGIES and the off-the-ball movement of PES10, PES11 -engineered for freedom- just feels very restrictive and automatic and insubstantial.

I know it is a video game, but there are certain things that a video game could do better; for all the hype, PES11 is just underwhelming, as is FIFA11.


Registered User
i agree

Maybe I'm wrong, but when you have the ball than the AI cannot do "anything", so its youre fault to actually lose the ball in key situations... I've no problem with the KI to be honest (playing on Top Player), you just need to be careful und use your chances, if you dont use your chance than the AI will get one!

AI sometime is shit...but overall its not AI 100% faulty. is human error. i agree with yassirX u got to really use ur chances. in real football,chances are important. that y we can we many upset result when top team vs low team. eventho top team are possesion but lack of score. low team only got 1 chances n they score. this is real football!!!!

AI for me in pes2011 is dissapoint when it came to running, i mean when i hold the ball with messi i passing to villa but sometimes other my player are disturbing the the passing.


Registered User
To amatuer ..... sell pes never come on this site and spare your bs comments for the konami technical team ... I don't like the game I don't like this goddddd my 3 yyearold daughter likes more things than you what is the actual point in saying how shit something is and u don't enjoy it when you could havesimply said its shit I'm not playing it no more and selling thegame... allyou keep doing is referring it to pes 5 which for the sake of it I played yesterday as I have all the pes, guess what its nothing alike infact it couldn't be because its on a different format and its a different game (suprise suprise) anyways yourcomments which only reiterate that your a polished up pleb so I put it to you either enjoy the game and post comments or piss off into a dark corner until 2059 and then play a football game where you probaly might actually be a footballer in a real life simulation and get tofeel his weight and balls, anyways jus stop bitching coz you ain't hairy Enough... I think pes 2011 is the 2nd best pes iv played and the more I play it the closer to 1st place it gets for me what your asking for a football game is not possible certianly not now and yes there are limitations to a ps3 console you dumbass, thwway football games need to be programmed are slightly more difficult than other games because the computer controls 20 playerincluding input from the one your using now the only logical way to have ai to your standards would be to have 1 difficulty setting so that anyone else who never played it before would struggle like hell or take to it like a fish to water...


Registered User
2009 PES i went 4 master league seasons unbeaten, two of those seasons I won every game and every competition. I never played it again.
This year I am happy that it is possible to lose games. I dont know enough about AI to give a way to fix it but if the AI has to cheat to keep me interested then I will take that.
In 2001/2 (cant remember the exact time) I used to play Smackdown vs Raw and I was the title holder unbeaten for 2/3 years (game years). I longed for somebody to screw the title off me or for something to happen. Ultimately it got boring and I havent played a wwe game since.
If you win every game its boring and if you lose every game its also boring too. If AI cheating is the only way to keep it interesting then im happy with that.

The game is not real life or even a great simulation of football but how many occasions can anyone remember of teams getting screwed by ref decisions, or own goals or poor keeping. It happens every week and will continue to do so.

Rob Green and Van Der Sar have all messed up in recient weeks and I could name hundereds of other occasions where real life players have acted like idiot AI controlled players.
Nothing is perfect and this is the best we have....


Registered User
Right, maturity is all about calling people "geeks" and things like that, that's very mature, that's what mature people say; even more mature when you consider the fact that the mature person has not actually played the game.

PES11 is good if you like PES5, but sadly, it has nothing to do with playing Football.

It feels like a mix of FIFA09 with PES5, nothing remarkable, just a quick and easy fix for the masses; there's absolutely no substance at its core.

You like it: good for you.

But please spare me the "mature" bullshit, I do not like the game, that does not make me immature in any way.

PES10 has more to do with Football; PES11 is too easy, too automatic, too superficial, it is hard for me to believe that some people are having a hard time adjusting to PES11.

I can play PES5 and then go straight to PES11... same game as far as I'm concerned. It's just disappointing.

Yeah, you did not called me a geek, but everything you said completely discredited everything I have said so far in this thread; so am I not a geek according to you?

According to you, did you not say that we have geeks who think they know better than Konami? Who cannot see that PES11 is restricted by a PS3 console?

I do not respond nor mention people for no reason, I quoted you for a reason; according to your broad description of these "geeks", I fall well within the parameters, because I do not think PES11 is restricted by a PS3 console.

Yet, you clearly disagree with me; even though you have not played the game yet.

Anyways, ignoring the irrelevant parts of your post; the smart hook was in PES10, with the L2 STRATEGIES.

It would have been fairly easy; L2 + (x) button, a selected individual will move horizontally; L2 + (o) button, the striker offers close support to the ball carrier, etc, etc.

Simple features that would make the game more substantial; you don't need a new engine to do that, in fact it was POSSIBLE in PES10.

Instead of doing that, PES11 eliminated the L2 STRATEGIES, and it's just too easy and straightforward; it is abundantly clear that Konami is copying FIFA, making a dumb and superficial and yet pretty game, for the masses.

After all the talk about the new defensive system, I did not even bothered reading the booklet; it is the same old rubbish, automatic tackling, one type of sliding tackle, same old shit.

Adding more directions and more polish to the same old shit, will never actually change how you play the game; because it still is the same stupid concept, only difference is that you now have more directions in terms of passing and running.

Konami should try to make it a bit more substantial where it matters the most, in terms of how you play football.

For this to happen, the user needs simple controls to dictate his own script on-the-fly, and also, the rubbish defensive system needs to be replaced by something completely different: a defensive system that actually requires the use of your brain, where you cannot literally control the direction in which you run with the left analogue stick.

PES11 is pick up and play, I have nothing against the people who do like it; however, calling people "geeks" just because they are moaning for a perfectly good reason, isn't very mature is it?

Hopefully you will like the game, at least you wont spend a lot of money and then end up disappointed with the product.

That's how I feel about PES11, disappointed with how average the game is, after experiencing the freedom of dictating my own script with the L2 STRATEGIES and the off-the-ball movement of PES10, PES11 -engineered for freedom- just feels very restrictive and automatic and insubstantial.

I know it is a video game, but there are certain things that a video game could do better; for all the hype, PES11 is just underwhelming, as is FIFA11.
I did not say anything regarding name calling, all i gave were my thoughts on the overall package of pes 2011 and how it plays for me. I said in my post that the game has flaws, i also said people should play pes 2011 for what it is.

People should try not to fixate on the games flaws and rather play the game for what it is, then they will enjoy pes 2011 far more. :)


Registered User
I don't want to upset anyone but its like the people that don't like 2011 are to used to a simple game where in my opinion you need skill this year.
ML is dodgy because div 2 teams are buying top players from the start but this year is loads better than 2010. I could beat Chelsea easily for eg in 10 with a poor team but it is different this time. Passing is good and you need skill and pressure and tackling is better/more difficult and I don't even play on top player.
I could write more but I haven't even played online yet but hopefuly it will be good fun.


Registered User
I don't want to upset anyone but its like the people that don't like 2011 are to used to a simple game where in my opinion you need skill this year.
ML is dodgy because div 2 teams are buying top players from the start but this year is loads better than 2010. I could beat Chelsea easily for eg in 10 with a poor team but it is different this time. Passing is good and you need skill and pressure and tackling is better/more difficult and I don't even play on top player.
I could write more but I haven't even played online yet but hopefuly it will be good fun.

It has nothing to do with skill but down right crap programming, the same complaints people had 3 years ago are still there.

To say tackling is better is a lie also you can still hack down players and receive nothing from the ref

People are fed up becasue its the samething over and over again, that and the simplest of things are constantly being done wrong


Registered User
I know the AI is shit and on some levels it makes the game more challenging. But PLEASE Konami don't make it so fooking obvious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Be more sneaky about "cheating". Don't have an international defender run away from the ball like a frightened little girl to allow the striker in.Come on Konami - less obvious shit please!!!


Registered User
To amatuer ..... sell pes never come on this site and spare your bs comments for the konami technical team ... I don't like the game I don't like this goddddd my 3 yyearold daughter likes more things than you what is the actual point in saying how shit something is and u don't enjoy it when you could havesimply said its shit I'm not playing it no more and selling thegame... allyou keep doing is referring it to pes 5 which for the sake of it I played yesterday as I have all the pes, guess what its nothing alike infact it couldn't be because its on a different format and its a different game (suprise suprise) anyways yourcomments which only reiterate that your a polished up pleb so I put it to you either enjoy the game and post comments or piss off into a dark corner until 2059 and then play a football game where you probaly might actually be a footballer in a real life simulation and get tofeel his weight and balls, anyways jus stop bitching coz you ain't hairy Enough... I think pes 2011 is the 2nd best pes iv played and the more I play it the closer to 1st place it gets for me what your asking for a football game is not possible certianly not now and yes there are limitations to a ps3 console you dumbass, thwway football games need to be programmed are slightly more difficult than other games because the computer controls 20 playerincluding input from the one your using now the only logical way to have ai to your standards would be to have 1 difficulty setting so that anyone else who never played it before would struggle like hell or take to it like a fish to water...

Who the fuck are you?

LMAO -- do you work for Konami or EA Sports by any chance?

I have payed for the product and I have earned the right to talk about the game however I like; PES10 had more substance than PES11, fucking moron: the restrictions are not PS3 restrictions.

You really have zero idea about what you are talking about do you?

Freedom of speech, like the mindless fan boys who only know how to praise the game; I also have the right to say why the game is shit.

You see, the people who say a game is shit without giving reasons are fucking morons like yourself, people that actually insult other people because of a fucking video game, because they somehow get personally offended when a person says that PES11 is a shit game: what age are you?

It is not my fault that you are a fucking moron: freedom of speech, constructive criticism, you should look that up before you continue saying stupid shit.


I did not say anything regarding name calling, all i gave were my thoughts on the overall package of pes 2011 and how it plays for me. I said in my post that the game has flaws, i also said people should play pes 2011 for what it is.

People should try not to fixate on the games flaws and rather play the game for what it is, then they will enjoy pes 2011 far more. :)

And I am guessing you will tell me what PES11 is?

This is why I don't respect website reviews anymore: "you should play PES11 for what it is"

Before uttering such a stupid phrase, did you never stopped to think about what you wanted to say; because, PES11 might be something for you, but PES11 is an entirely different thing for me.

So saying, "play PES11 for what it is" -- is just very redundant and subjective, just plain childish.

PES11 in FACT is a shit game aimed at the masses who don't know shit about Football; that is an unarguable FACT, whether you can enjoy it or not, that's your opinion.

But play PES11 for what it is? What is it exactly? Please tell me, because apparently I need someone like you to tell me what PES11 is and what PES11 is not.

Redundant, I can formulate my own opinions, I don't need you or anyone telling me what PES11 is; I can see what PES11 is, and I do not enjoy it for what it is: as simple as that.

Just say you like the game, it's your opinion; there's no need for hypocritical phrases such as: "just enjoy PES11 for what it is"

It has nothing to do with skill but down right crap programming, the same complaints people had 3 years ago are still there.

To say tackling is better is a lie also you can still hack down players and receive nothing from the ref

People are fed up becasue its the samething over and over again, that and the simplest of things are constantly being done wrong

Precisely my point,

PES11 does not actually requires skill, it is just as automatic and as insubstantial as PES5 was. A shit game for the gamers who want an automatic stats driven video game; same old FAMICOM CONCEPT with current gen graphics and visuals.

A lot of people have picked FIFA over PES yet again, and for a good reason.

Fan boys are such a waste of time; they always think there must be a logical reason for what they believe is reality, yet the logical reason that they are looking for, is not that some fans are just hard to please, it's just that fan boys are deluded gamers who will be pleased with anything that reads "PES" and should not be taken seriously by people who are not fan boys.

Engineered for Freedom, that's exactly what PES11 is not; yet we have fan boys who have no idea about how Football works, whom are claiming that PES11 is most certainly engineered for freedom.

Some morons have even claimed that PES11 is restricted by the PS3 console *LMAO* that's just plain stupid; the PS3 has a lot of capacity, and can certainly handle a much more substantial video game than PES11.

This is why I have decided to move on from video games, it has become intolerable for me, the final nail in the coffin is the fact that it is financed by fan boys with little to no idea about the actual product that they actually finance.


Registered User
You shouldn't just give up on pes. Its still an ok game and fun but its far from what is expected of a game that has 10+ games prior to it in its series. 2011 has done one thing I like and that's cemented the fact a new engine/game is needed altogether


Registered User
Who the fuck are you?

LMAO -- do you work for Konami or EA Sports by any chance?

I have payed for the product and I have earned the right to talk about the game however I like; PES10 had more substance than PES11, fucking moron: the restrictions are not PS3 restrictions.

You really have zero idea about what you are talking about do you?

Freedom of speech, like the mindless fan boys who only know how to praise the game; I also have the right to say why the game is shit.

You see, the people who say a game is shit without giving reasons are fucking morons like yourself, people that actually insult other people because of a fucking video game, because they somehow get personally offended when a person says that PES11 is a shit game: what age are you?

It is not my fault that you are a fucking moron: freedom of speech, constructive criticism, you should look that up before you continue saying stupid shit.


lolllllllllll oh god ok for my age im 21 im a gardener and music producer also studying bsl, so no i dont work for konami or fifa im just an ordinary guy who enjoys pes 2011, and frankly to say that i have no idea about football when i use to play for harrogate town and brighton when i was 14-18 tells me that your just trying to act like a big man who knows everything you havent yet stated as to why konami is having problems with ai and in what way this can be fixed your just a dick rider who lacks sense and tries to make a point but ur point is about as sharp as a sponge, freedom of speech yeah its great not speak alot of shit which is what you do, you waste time but you do give me satisfaction to the fact that your an incompetent fool who if you were a slug you'd probably try to eat salt, pes 2011 is a good game its not perfect but its justifiable i think there are more people who enjoy the game rather than dislike it when bought.. your just the runt of the litter now stop barking for attention and put urself down coz frankly you blabber on about shit so much so that i fear even now im talking shit guess it catches on by the way do you still own pes or did you stick it in a blender and drink the contents?


Registered User
Agree, amateur you can really just quit writing as you're not bringing anything new to the conversation anymore. And the constant banging that how much the game suck.. I don't know man, does it help you someway to keep complaining about the issues of the game? Does it make you feel better, help your Pes2011 gaming experience or does it bring some new useful info to the rest of this community?

My guess is, not.

How about make a thread "letting out my dissappointment to Pes2011, whiners exclusive". Then you would have a reason to keep out of the conversation people that don't happen to completely agree with you that it's a hopeless game with no fun factor. Which in the end is to me pretty much all that matters.

..and still if you feel that you have important things to say to game developers, hopefully about how to resolve those issues, not just the issues. Point it to them.