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"I don't like PES'09" Hate it? Well let us know here and only here.


Registered User
I Agree. :( To me too it´s the most important matter how the Game Plays and this year PES does not reach any kind of reality concerning proper football.

It lacks reality wholly. Moves which are "part of the game" like somebody said, are vee..ryyy unreal and irritating. (Tackles, invisible freekick wall, skating and so on...)

In F1 racing games you have choice to put on or off accessories but in PES these "helpful" movement-accessories are always on! Why? Who needs those anyway? When you play Top Player you don´t need any help from in game movement-accessories all you need is freedom to do with your player what ever you want.

PROGRAMMERS: Get rid of them and fast before you spoil that good too what is left. Repair at least those major bugs. We need superior patch and I hope we´ll get it.

I´ll give 4+ to PES 09 ( Grade between 0-10).

But...maybe someday(-year) we´ll see a real good football game, game we almost all like. (I Really Hope So) :w00t

like that ball gravity shit, does my head in..imagine 10 v 10 with that kind of shit on all the time, it would be unplayable...!!!


Registered User
if you read my positive comments about pes 09 you will no this is hard for me to say but this weekend i couldnt ignore fifa anymore and bought it. If you are a true pro fan and have played the game all your life then you are more likely to buy fifa 09 as it is a true brilliant football simulation which is something pro lacks. Fifa actually reminds me of how rewarding it felt to play iss evo)ps1) and pes on ps2. Nobody can say pes 09 is a better football simulation than fifa 09, iam not trying to create arguments but it is not possible to actually think that.


New Member
I am a die hard PES fan, but they REALLY went wrong here. PES 2008 wasn't that fantastic either, but 2008 had one thing that was great, the passing and shooting and overall control you had over your player was amazing and it was fun... yes... fun to play. Yes 2008 had many bugs like the terrible goalkeeping, the perfect CPU slide tackles to make the ball bounce off your guy and go out of bounds for a CPU throw in, poor movement off the ball from AI, CPU freekicks ALWAYS scored or at least hit the crossbar, edit mode was demolished and the worst ever. But.... it was still fun and still beat Fifa last year because it was an absolute blast playing the game. Look... it seems as if Seabass and Co. have fixed a lot of the problems that I have listed with PES 2008, BUT.... and its a massive but... he has taken away the absolute best part of the PES franchise... gameplay! Seriously, the players in PES 2009 feel SLUGGISH, gumpy, and can't turn, or make ANY moves. They always balLoon the ball over the net and you can't shoot properly unless it is set up perfectly or lucky.

Basically, I love the fact that the game play is slowed down from PES 2008, because it was quite rampant in that version, but why did Seabass have to go and make the players slower and gumpy and basically have no skill whatsoever???? I don't get it. Also, I am glad the deep edit mode is back, but 2 things can be said about that... 1) winning eleven 9's edit mode was better and more polished up (you could actually move and resize logos after you made them... cant do it in 2009..... big let down).... plus, in an age where Fifa is now contending neck and neck with PES, PES actually LOST LICENSES!!!! Wow!!! They don't even have the full spanish league!!! none the less bayern munich isn't even in the game!!! Seriously, spend some money over there at Konami immediately, or you might be seeing a lot of even the die-hard PES fans switch over to Fifa. It seems to me that PES keeps loosing ground and getting worse, whereas Fifa keeps getting better. This year I am actually going to give Fifa a legitimate shot and I hate the fact I am even thinking about that. Step up your game Seabass!!! You suck!!! Go back to what we all loved about PES... GAMEPLAY!!!


Registered User
PES 2009 doesn't feels right for me.... :(

that's why i just bought Winning Eleven 2009 ;D

first impressions to follow


Registered User
I am a die hard PES fan, but they REALLY went wrong here. PES 2008 wasn't that fantastic either, but 2008 had one thing that was great, the passing and shooting and overall control you had over your player was amazing and it was fun... yes... fun to play. Yes 2008 had many bugs like the terrible goalkeeping, the perfect CPU slide tackles to make the ball bounce off your guy and go out of bounds for a CPU throw in, poor movement off the ball from AI, CPU freekicks ALWAYS scored or at least hit the crossbar, edit mode was demolished and the worst ever. But.... it was still fun and still beat Fifa last year because it was an absolute blast playing the game. Look... it seems as if Seabass and Co. have fixed a lot of the problems that I have listed with PES 2008, BUT.... and its a massive but... he has taken away the absolute best part of the PES franchise... gameplay! Seriously, the players in PES 2009 feel SLUGGISH, gumpy, and can't turn, or make ANY moves. They always balLoon the ball over the net and you can't shoot properly unless it is set up perfectly or lucky.

Basically, I love the fact that the game play is slowed down from PES 2008, because it was quite rampant in that version, but why did Seabass have to go and make the players slower and gumpy and basically have no skill whatsoever???? I don't get it. Also, I am glad the deep edit mode is back, but 2 things can be said about that... 1) winning eleven 9's edit mode was better and more polished up (you could actually move and resize logos after you made them... cant do it in 2009..... big let down).... plus, in an age where Fifa is now contending neck and neck with PES, PES actually LOST LICENSES!!!! Wow!!! They don't even have the full spanish league!!! none the less bayern munich isn't even in the game!!! Seriously, spend some money over there at Konami immediately, or you might be seeing a lot of even the die-hard PES fans switch over to Fifa. It seems to me that PES keeps loosing ground and getting worse, whereas Fifa keeps getting better. This year I am actually going to give Fifa a legitimate shot and I hate the fact I am even thinking about that. Step up your game Seabass!!! You suck!!! Go back to what we all loved about PES... GAMEPLAY!!!

pes 2008 was the worst game ever made so you cant back up any point by praising that, if you liked the game i respect your opinion but i dont even class it as part of the series it was so poor . This years game has gone back to some of the conventions of the ps2 game that was so brilliant but it is still not a true football simulation.


Registered User
pes 2008 was the worst game ever made so you cant back up any point by praising that, if you liked the game i respect your opinion but i dont even class it as part of the series it was so poor . This years game has gone back to some of the conventions of the ps2 game that was so brilliant but it is still not a true football simulation.

Nice to see that more and more people are starting to realise that Fifa is now the game to play for Pro Evo connoisseurs!!!

Those still in denial remind me of Arsene Wenger and his irrational allegiance to youngsters! :rolleyes:

Open your eyes! Pro Evo players have always been the players who just want to play the best game of football, why should it be any different now?


Registered User
I like the new gameplay its more fluid but also lots of bad things comes with it. Still after you take corner or free kick the player just freezes for 5 sec, than there is these little fouls that you have no control of it, mostly in COM 6 meter box and anywhere else. Obviously raging referee with red and yellow cards and every single tackle and most of them are clean tackless. I dont know is it only me or...but its so hard to fallow the COM with the ball, my players wont try to take the ball if you are holding X button they just run around them like there is some force shield around COM players. Most stupid thing of all is no difference in abilitys, no matter what stats you got some shitty player will beat you to it. Our players need to be more responsive and actually go for the ball not just watch it go by, long distance goals are so hard to score now. They should give us back old Training with challanges and instant replay at certain postion you want. But the best option on the game is that you can turn OFF the commentary, OMG! its so bad. I have been playing PES since 1999 and i just dont think this game is worth the money anymore, all the do is just update teams every year and piss people even more. As i read some reviews FIFA is getting better and KONAMI should be careful with losing fans, which i havent both FIFA since 2002, but those guys in KONAMI should try to listen to the fans and just try too put more work in it. Honestly i am pissed they way they make PES series worst every year.


Registered User
OMG, i have never seen a Playstation game drop in price so much so fast..!!!! (PS3 £19.99..!!)

Now i'm worried Konami will give up..!!

Lets hope they get the message and it spurs them on to try harder, as i do think they're heading the right way...


Registered User
Just out of interest - does anyone know how Konami gauge or monitor PES fans' responses and criticisms to their games?


Registered User
Nice to see that more and more people are starting to realise that Fifa is now the game to play for Pro Evo connoisseurs!!!

Those still in denial remind me of Arsene Wenger and his irrational allegiance to youngsters! :rolleyes:

Open your eyes! Pro Evo players have always been the players who just want to play the best game of football, why should it be any different now?

exactly, i was in denial and then realised its about playing the best football sim. Fifa's gameplay reminds me of what makes pes so great and the buzz of playing a new pes. The test is weather i will be playing it in 4 months.


Registered User
hmm, i am feeling more and more bored with PES i think it is really stale this year and has gone down the wrong path from what was a great game in PES 6.
now i am a PC user and i downloaded the fifa demo and thought it was rubbish, but apparantly the PC version of Fifa09 is no where near as good as next gen versions, so is this true or is it just as its the demo?
also what controllers can you use for fifa as for PES i use an old xbox controller with usb adaptor.

anyway i just wonder whether its worth buying fifa or trying to get along with PES09.

Mr Darkstar

Registered User
im nto a fan boy i enjoy which ever is best but it is never worth buying fifa my friend. PRO is awsome the more you play the more it grows on you, of course like with anything there are some people who are exceptions, but most will grow to love the game even if you started not doing so.


Registered User
to be honest i bought a vision cam off ebay for £7.00 and have dont some wicked edits they look smart as fcuk im not braggin or anythin im not a tech wizard but in my opinion i have done a crackin job at the kits and personally i think they are better than the man u and liverdump ones lol


Registered User
im nto a fan boy i enjoy which ever is best but it is never worth buying fifa my friend. PRO is awsome the more you play the more it grows on you, of course like with anything there are some people who are exceptions, but most will grow to love the game even if you started not doing so.

the more you love the pes series the more you will want to play fifa, nobody can say that this years gameplay is as realistic as fifa . Sounds strange but if you are a pro fan fifa is the game for you as much i feel sick and dirty saying it. If you want a semi arcade plug and play football game then buy pro, if you want a challenging rewarding football sim buy fifa or pes on the ps2 which is better than the next gen version

Red Owl

Registered User
This thread is really funny for me... my PS3 broke exactly a month ago, just got Sony to pick it up now - expecting it back in a week.

I got to play Pro at a mate's, and it was like being given a mixed grill after going on a hunger strike... I am really missing PES now, it's just so fun to play, as opposed to FIFA, where the passing is yet to feel natural and the shooting always goes in, as long as you're in the box and using finesse shot.

Another factor in this is that I've been playing Football Manager, and all the while I've been playing it, I've just been thinking "MAN I wish I could control those players properly"

You are all lucky buggers

Mr Darkstar

Registered User
the more you love the pes series the more you will want to play fifa, nobody can say that this years gameplay is as realistic as fifa . Sounds strange but if you are a pro fan fifa is the game for you as much i feel sick and dirty saying it. If you want a semi arcade plug and play football game then buy pro, if you want a challenging rewarding football sim buy fifa or pes on the ps2 which is better than the next gen version

I have no idea what you are talking about ( i respect your opinion) but i think you are so far from right it is untrue, as if that rule applied i would be wanting fifa right now and i definatley do not!

Fifa is like that cheap tacky girl who you are guaranteed quick sexual pleasure from behind a tree or in a deserted car park.

Pro is the lady that you have to wine dine and take your full time and effort on then when you finally do get her to the candle lit bedroom, the fire works will flyyyy!


Registered User
To start I like this Pro Evo, I'm enjoying playing it but I will run through some things that frustrate me about the game

1)Champions League mode is pointless, Why has not been used with the master league it seems like a waste of the licence

2) Commentary has not changed from last year, not even a little, You cant even change the commentary language i think. (i used to put pro evo 3 commentary on spanish it was more exciting than peter brackley lol)

Then my few frustrations about the game play

1) Keepers spill everything, most goals the CPU scores against me are a long shot spilled by my keeper into the hands of an opposing striker.

2) Players can take an eternity to shoot or pass

3) CPU wastes a lot of time while in possession, like its always holding on for a draw. that don't bother me to much, you get it back with a lot of closing down like.

4) Ref usefully blows for full/half time while your striker is in opposition half about to go one on one with keeper. (that's just what pro evo does, and has always done, its like its charm, but when that happens when you 1-0 down it makes you tear you teeth out)

I cant comment on on-line or be a legend modes, have not tried them as of yet.

Oh I almost forgot, this annoys me the most. Why in a master league can i not play a player more than two games in a row with out him getting creame craked, i end up swapping 6-10 players every other game ???
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Registered User
Totally agree with you Hig, PES is getting worse every year and so called next gen is bs, animations sucks, graphics, and this PES they made all players the same, no matter how much your players get experience and better stats they are still sucks compare to any other COM controlled player. And ever year before release they say they did this and did this, but its all the same and some worse, and we are all like OMG! i cant wait to play it! KONAMI please take my money for no effort in making a fine game.

El Nino

Registered User
the more you love the pes series the more you will want to play fifa, nobody can say that this years gameplay is as realistic as fifa . Sounds strange but if you are a pro fan fifa is the game for you as much i feel sick and dirty saying it. If you want a semi arcade plug and play football game then buy pro, if you want a challenging rewarding football sim buy fifa or pes on the ps2 which is better than the next gen version

I have not tried fifa but i hear what your saying m8.To may people round here a biggin up 09 as a great game.For me the "magic" is gone from the pes series.I have been playin pro's for about 9 years and they were a beautiful simulation of the game,and the detail konami put into the gameplay was outstanding.Now its just headless chicken stuff so that any old smuck can pick up and play.