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Battlefield 3 [360/PC/PS3]


Super Moderator
The underground section impresses me far more than the open outdoors. Keep getting blinded by bastards with torches!


Registered User
Apart from the glitches, the other thing that annoy me is that no one bothers to disarm the MCOMM stations. You're a few feet away, yet you decide it's better to shoot people from distance.

Lörd TH

Registered User
Quite a few PC gamers got to play on Caspian Border map for the past 2 days, it looks soo good, the current Operation Metro map is too similar to CoD and seems like the map which would try to convert CoD players over to BF3.

Here's some clips of Caspian Border...


Registered User
One question.

Is Bf3 similar to Bf2 in terms of gameplay? or more arcade like the Cod series where the average age of players in 5.
The reason why I ask is I´v always preferred the Bf games because of it´s more realistic approach to the game and bigger maps like the stunning rush mode in Bc2 ( Not saying Bf is a sim, it´s far from it, just to prevent any misunderstanding.


The Three Amigos
Only played one game, but feels like BF2.

Was 1 for 4, snuck round the back of the building and killed two guys. Then snuck upstairs where they were all camping, knifed two of them and shot down three more :D

Lörd TH

Registered User
Metro isn't a great map to show off the game as a 'Battlefield' game, it's far too linear even if the game mode is Rush. Like I said that map along with the game mode feels like DICE are trying to convert CoD fans.


The Three Amigos
Metro isn't a great map to show off the game as a 'Battlefield' game, it's far too linear even if the game mode is Rush. Like I said that map along with the game mode feels like DICE are trying to convert CoD fans.
We will never be converted! :D


Registered User
The graphics,textures,lightening overall are pathetic for the ps3 version.
the PS3 vs PC video on youtube looks lot better.
Idk why they had to dowgrade the graphics for beta

Dale C.

Registered User
Metro isn't a great map to show off the game as a 'Battlefield' game, it's far too linear even if the game mode is Rush. Like I said that map along with the game mode feels like DICE are trying to convert CoD fans.

But that's what Rush is all about, rushing the enemy....there would be no point if it was an open map, because it would just turn into team deathmatch. It has to be linear.


Registered User
well even if it was caspian border on ps3 it wouldnt be upto the mark.
the textures ,lightening,smoothness isn't there.

about me being graphics whore I work on Animation stuff since I am a civil engineer so I know what I am talking about (check up graphics thread).

Battlefield3 had lot more to offer going by their video on Jimmy fellon show (google up 720 p footage on youtube).
Its only natural that you are expecting DIce to deliver after promises they've made. Heck! Bad company 2 looks better than this! SP AND MP on 360.


Registered User
I wasn't blown away with the beta, but I'll be getting them anyway. I'm sure that the graphics will be fine on the retail version. Just like the GT5 Time Trial we had last year. The graphics looked shit, but the retail version was fine.


Registered User
Yep if you look at the size of the file its just 1173 mbs.even demos of games like rubgy12 and nhl 12 file sizes are in the range of 1.5-2.5 gb.

Its pretty obvious they haven't used HD textures and haven't implemented lightening they are to implement in the final product.

apart from the glitches I think the gameplay is great.
I am just having problem recognising enemy soldiers because
1> I can't differenciate between the kits.they look almost the same color like Khaki-Grey variation
2>Without Sniper or any kind of scope its difficult to spot enemy in mid-range distances too.That or they are carrying snipers themselves(many of them are TBH)


Registered User
I like the gameplay, But to was disapointed with the graphics. As above i find it hard to see the enemy. Ended up shooting at my team mates more than once!


Registered User
Dude graphics will improve mark my word :) they will implement HD textures that they haven't in the beta and lightening will be more polished so your screen will appear more smooth and shadows will look softer and more realistic :)