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I need a winger to replace Ings... Must meet all of these requirements:
- Under 23 years of age in season 2016/2017, i.e. Under 21 at the game start.
- Brittish, Irish, Icelandic, or Scandinavian
- At least 170 cm tall
- Preferably right footed
- At least 70 in Body Balance, 75 in Dribble Speed, 65 in Passing.
My only options so far are Nathan Redmond, John O'Sullivan (a tad slow, but strong; my kind of player actually) and Mats Møller Dæhli (excellent technique, probably a waste on the sides; I might get him for the middle though).
Zaha possinly. 22 in real life now, might have been 21 at start of season ML begins.