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Improvements/ Things You Want Added To PES 2011

Die Hard Pes Fan

Registered User
A few more:
Be able to swap teams in ML if you are offered. In my Athletico Madrid ML,Rangers have signed Marcelo, Crouch, Pavlychenko (sp) and some other big name, I wish I could manage them:(

Like Japans new kit in Pes it would be good to get that option with all the kits.


Registered User
change the rewards

im so bored of doing the cup with england,france,germany,brazil etc

and win the premier league,spanish league etc

and fix the bloddy pens


Registered User
change the rewards

im so bored of doing the cup with england,france,germany,brazil etc

and win the premier league,spanish league etc

and fix the bloddy pens

for winning International CUP


get classic team, if winning the Champions league.

champion by using ac milan -> get AC MILAN 1989/1990
champion with Arsenal -> get Arsenal 2004/2005

champion with Inter milan -> just a dream :D

Die Hard Pes Fan

Registered User
The ability to put a name on you BAL boots. Put in the premier league name and numbers. If you are a non licensed team in ML you can change your kit or kits if they do put 3 kits per team in, or mix and match aswell. Licensed goalkeeper gloves and the ability to be able to choose them like boots.


Registered User
1. The ability to paint the WHOLE kits (e.g., so you can create kits like the blue Burnley GK kit, rather than just being able to put a design on the front).

2. Underskins for players.

3. Improved gameplay (similar to FIFA's "free flowing style), the current PES style is too 'robotic'

4. 3 outfield player kits, 2 goalkeeper kits.

5. More atmospheric crowd (again sounds too robotic)

6. More teams.

7. The ability to edit licensed kits/regular updates when new kits come out.

8. More realistic commentary (it sounds like Larwo keeps insulting John Champion)

9. Controllable shots/penalties (e.g., curled shots, controlled shots, more accurate lobbing).

10. Decent referees (none of this card happy crap).

11. More stadia.

12. Ability to control celebrations (like FIFA 10).


Registered User
If we dont have hope we have nothing

I am reading a book with the title "Get out of the boat" Last night I read "If we don't have hope we have nothing". Good

What I would like to see;

1. The log standing during the cut scene as the teams coming out of the tunnel.
2. Giant flag cut scenes of your club during gameplay.

Die Hard Pes Fan

Registered User
1. The ability to paint the WHOLE kits (e.g., so you can create kits like the blue Burnley GK kit, rather than just being able to put a design on the front).

12. Ability to control celebrations (like FIFA 10).

Don't like these ideas put I like the others. FIFA celebrations are shite.


Registered User
Don't like these ideas put I like the others. FIFA celebrations are shite.

Yeah soz, for idea #1, I meant to put more kit templates in edit mode, and to be able to put more than the current 5 design templates on a kit.

Some more ideas I thought of for PES 2011 are:

• More weather conditions
• More classic teams
• Life-like player celebrations
• Ball/Boot customization
• Training mode
• Pre/During/After match animations
• More atmosphere for derby matches
• Players who play against former teams (e.g. Tévez, Owen, Gareth Barry) Booed
• Create-A-Manager
• A relive/rewrite history mode (for matches such as AC Milan 3-3 Liverpool)
• New soundtrack (preferrably one with WELL KNOWN music)
• Current scores from other matches displayed often in the corner (to make it feel intense)
• Official club chants (i.e., "You'll never walk alone", "I'm forever blowing bubbles", "Anderson-son-son")


Registered User
I like a lot of the changes listed. I think it would be cool, if you do well in ML with a smaller team, you get options of transferring to another team. I think it would be cool if you could also become a National Team Manager, where you would have to select top form players for international tournaments.


in PES2011 I want;
More detailed BAL career, more choices and better player and manager interaction, and ofcourse the "captain" role should enable extra options on field. I would also like the option to choose skill level for "your team" independently from the difficulty levels. Where if you choose the same level for both teams, your team mates don't get retarded once your player gets a certain level on his abilities.
The only way a BAL career should become harder over time, is moving to a tougher league, where the defenders are simply better on a general level.
As it is now, it remains somewhat challenging because of scripting and your AI teammates eats a stupid pill every day and it gets worse from there.

I also want better ball physics, better gameplay, better animations and a better referee. I want the ball to bounce more random off the defenders when I shoot into them, and I want goalkeepers to fist the ball over/outside the goal post, rather than straight into a opponent striker wich has been common practice for a while. I would like to be able to adjust game speed on single player modes, and I like a "short term" stamina implemented to avoid that players like Messi can sprint back and forth with the ball without having to take a breath until he's exhausted.
Forcing a certain amount of skill on behalf of the human player in order to take full advantage of great dribblers in other words.
Proper sound effects, both on pitch and in the stands... much needed to get the right feel for the game.

But most importantly, I want the AI to be able to score when playing against itself, because if it doesen't, like in PES2010, then BAL will never become any fun no matter how much detail they put into it.

I do not see any point in improving these areas unless the above mentioned is already implemented.

Graphics; it's not brilliant as it is, but more than good enough if the gameplay hits the spot.
Licenses and player faces; Do them all, or do none. Community will fix what they want anyway.
Champions League; I never played that game mode, and I don't give a rats ass if my team in ML or BAL plays "Champions League" matches or "Winner's Cup" matches. Names are not important as long as there is a similar tournament with a different name present in the game. They could name the World Cup for Clash of the Titans for all I care, as long as I'm able to edit it.

So basically, KONAMI, I want you to make a game, and care less about the wrapping this time around.

PS. A few new hairstyles for BAL would not hurt though... you could actually rework 90% of them, because they are generally butt ugly.


Registered User
The return of the Konami Cup in the game and online mode to be finally sorted would do me :)


Registered User
Different goal nets at different grounds

better sound like on fifa.. when the ball is closer to the camera you can hear the kicking more. Also if it hits the ref the crowd shouts "aaayyy"

more interaction with the crowd.

quicker turning with the ball

better online connection


Registered User
Wasn't sure if I should create a new thread or post it here, so don't bury me, guys:D

I have a few ideas, but I do like the game as it is right now. it just needs a few adjustments, but I'm glad to see that it's on the right track. Here are my ideas (my favorite are in blue):

*I'd like to see these leagues in the game
-Include English, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, French, & German (licensed or not)
- Include Rest of Europe (60-70 teams): CSKA Moscow, FC Porto, Celtic, etc.
-Include Rest of World (30-40 teams): River Plate, LA Galaxy, Corinthians, etc.
-Include Other League A (24 empty team slots): Changeable nationalities for players
-Include Other League B (20 empty team slots): Changeable nationalities for players

*You know how under each teams you can edit formation, team chant, name, etc. Well I would like to see a new option called Team Manager. The Team Manager option will allow the user to edit manager name, appearance, and dossier. The Dossier will include: Transfer preference (youth, middle-aged, or experienced), Two formation preferences (4-4-2 & 4-5-1, 4-2-3-1 & 3-5-2, etc), & Nationality preference (mixed, fixed, or a select three - France, Brazil, & Spain for example). How good a team is depends on what the team manager prefers. For example, if the team is playing a 4-2-3-1 formation and the team manager prefers a 4-4-2 & a 5-4-1 formation, then the team will severely struggle. If the team manager’s nationality preference is a select three (England, Scotland, & Ireland) and the team has five players of a different nationality, then the team will severely struggle. In other words, seven of the eleven players need to meet the Team Managers nationality & transfer preference.

*Also, I'd like to see a stadium option under each team as well, where you can edit the name, the capacity, the ticket price (for ML & BAL), the turf type (organic/natural), turf pattern, team flag, attendance seat & goal net color, a choice from 1,2,3, or 4 weather types, etc.

*I'd also like to see a new ability (in addition to free kick accuracy, jump, dribble speed, etc) for players and keepers called Intelligence. The scale for the Intelligence Parameter will be from 0-5. If 0 for a goalkeeper, keeper will pick up a back pass every time he’s under pressure. If 5, keeper will close players down, come out to claim corners/crosses, initiate counterattacks with long throws, etc If 0 for a player, player will make unnecessary fouls; injure other players, commit more penalties, etc. If 5, player will shield the ball in the corner for the last 5 minutes of a match if his team has a one goal lead. PES is focused on player individuality, by the way.

*For pre-game, I'd like to see a new feature called referee dosier. Referees are chosen by the user or at random before the game. Each referee has a disciplinary & visibility scale based on 0-5. If 0 on disciplinary scale, referee will call more fouls and give out more cards. If 0 on visibility scale, referee will make bad calls; such as bad judgements with ball crossing the line or not (goal line, throw-in line, corner line).

*Fix defense/tackling issue, fix the play-on option (not enough free kicks given), fix through ball passing, fix the chipped shot, fix the penalty system & amount of penalties given (too little), & impliment a dribbling system like FIFAs with the L2 and analogue stick

*Find a way to impliment handballs into the game that would not spoil gameplay too much.

*Theme music to play in the background at the start of each game. Like the Barclays theme for english games & the FIFA theme for International matches

*National Anthems for liscensed National teams

*Don't play online much, but I want to stress that if a player quits, it should count as a win to the other player (no ifs, ands, or buts)

*My edit ideas (some mentioned already):
-Approximately 100 logo slots (nike, puma, adidas, etc.)-Approximately 100 badge slots
-Approximately 400 kit slots
-Option for Neck-Warmers & Necklaces (select color)
-Option for Ear Tapes, Finger Tapes & Sock Tapes (select color)
-Option for Tattoos (select type, color, & location)
-Option for Keeper Gloves (select license & color)
-Option for Gloves & Wristbands (select license & color)
-Option for Headbands (select license & color)
-Option for Face/Nose Protector & Goggles (select color)
-Option for Collar Type (select up or down)
-Option for Shirt Type (select tucked or un-tucked)
-Option for Sleeve, Shorts & Sock Length (select short, medium, or long)
-Option for Under-Armor & Undershorts (select license & color)
-Option for Boots (select license & color)
-Option for Pre-set Faces (ex: using Thierry Henry's face to represent my face)
-Lower case letters for player names (select first & last name, displayed name, & name on shirt)

-An option file can be used in all regions