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Team PESGaming (PS3) - Fifa 12 Clubs


Despite my best efforts I was unable to get sent off in that match.

I must say Fifa 10 clubs was better than Fifa 12, I'm not sure how they can have taken a backward step over two years of development. This is essentially the same game with just as many bugs, dodgy decisions and exploits. This is the only mode of Fifa that I enjoy at all and to be honest I'm not sure I can say that any more.
Was Fifa 10 the one where we had 3 match rooms? I still don't know why they scrapped that and left us with only one room to use.
Dundons, please, never play us. We are wretched abortion. I laughed when I heard a team of 4 go "9 players, i don't wanna play we'll get smashed". We then lost to two teams with four players......

9/10 times we turn over possession from a throw in. Any ideas how to alleviate this? Too often I was thrown the ball surrounded by two guys. It's nigh impossible to do anything in that situation.

We're playing like a pack of cunts again at the moment and i'm not saying i'm any better, I had a couple of woeful games. My crossing is still too hit and miss, mostly miss and there are times when I try to take on players over a distance without an ounce of talent.

If Ikeep this up my VP is gonna do a Speed.


Registered User
We had some good games and some...not so good games tonight. That last one was pretty shit, because imo the defence and the midfield weren't getting the ball forward quickly enough, meaning we couldn't mount any dangerous counter-attacks and the opposition, basically, were able to keep sustained pressure on us throughout the whole game.


Staff member
Ok, so I am truly the cancer of the team. I get booted right at the start and you win. Come back and we lose.

Think I'm going to stay away and see how you guys get on.


Registered User
I don't think we can blame the rot on any one individual, it's a team-wide thing and we, as a team, must try and put it right.


Witchfinder General
That last game I played - were we playing to win or a new game where we just give the ball to the opposing team at every opportunity?


Dundons, please, never play us. We are wretched abortion. I laughed when I heard a team of 4 go "9 players, i don't wanna play we'll get smashed". We then lost to two teams with four players......

9/10 times we turn over possession from a throw in. Any ideas how to alleviate this? Too often I was thrown the ball surrounded by two guys. It's nigh impossible to do anything in that situation.

We're playing like a pack of cunts again at the moment and i'm not saying i'm any better, I had a couple of woeful games. My crossing is still too hit and miss, mostly miss and there are times when I try to take on players over a distance without an ounce of talent.

If Ikeep this up my VP is gonna do a Speed.

All jokes aside Jon I think there's just no real game plan with the side and any game plan you lot agree on goes out the window come kick off.

Simple one or two touch football is boss and getting caught in possession of the ball is far too common. Move the ball on quick and get people working towards 80% pass success rates and the results will follow. Players also need to hold position and stop running around after the ball like kids in a school yard. At the start it's amusing but getting an average rating of 4.5 at the end of every game wears thin.

As for throws, short throw in's are the only option in this game unless you're throwing it into space to a player running down the wing.

Keep plugging away lads, the good times are only around the corner.


Registered User
I was shit, gave the ball away and often made the wrong choice, been getting worst as the weeks gone on. I can only apologise to the team and the many travelling fans, I have been staying behind after training to try and turn this around.
Any treacherous snatch who does that will not be welcomed back into the fold by me.

(check your pm's dundons.....)
You're sarcastic smiley was not needed as I thought the piss take in my post was obvious, I was trying to insinuate i was pm'ing you for a transfer ;)