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Playstation 3


Registered User
I never knew the PS3 Blu-Ray hardware could also play DVD's (sorry if that sounded noobish) but I really never did. Big plus there.


Registered User
I never knew the PS3 Blu-Ray hardware could also play DVD's (sorry if that sounded noobish) but I really never did. Big plus there.

Well, if the PS3 can play older PS1 and PS2 games than it doesn't take a genius to work out that the new Blu-Ray lens will be able to read CDs and DVDs. ;)

Can you now see why Sony are touting the PS3 as the ultimate home multimedia and entertainment solution? :rolleyes:


Registered User
That's the point, I never understood what the Blu-Ray was. I only found out, it is infact a leap over the DVD, the newest technology in movies. ;)

Speaking of bacward compatibility, I've heard many glitches about this. Ah well, I just hope a few selected games from the PS2 will be able to play on the PS3.

One thing I haven't cleared though Konami, to actually browse online with the PS3, do I have to pay? Is there a difference between browsing online and gaming online?


Registered User
There are some glitches but when you update your PS3 they won't be there.

And I'm sure you would only have to pay for the INTERNET connection to browse the PS3, not the actual browser itself.


Registered User
That's the point, I never understood what the Blu-Ray was. I only found out, it is infact a leap over the DVD, the newest technology in movies. ;)

Speaking of bacward compatibility, I've heard many glitches about this. Ah well, I just hope a few selected games from the PS2 will be able to play on the PS3.

One thing I haven't cleared though Konami, to actually browse online with the PS3, do I have to pay? Is there a difference between browsing online and gaming online?

Browsing web pages with a PS3 is free. All you pay for is the subscription charge to your ISP.

Online gaming however, is an entirely different kettle of fish.

I know that playing most PS2 games online are free but some charge a fee for when connecting to their servers. It really depends on which developer developed the game you want to play online. I don't think KCET charges for playing PES online on the PS2 though.

As for the backwards PS1/PS2 compatability, I have heard of the glitches with the launch model PS3. But I'm sure I read somewhere that this can be easily rectified by simply updating the firmware of the console.


Registered User
Just realized that the consoles in the Middle East are imported from Japan. Now, I just want to know, which region code applies to it, Middle East/Europe region code (B/2) or Japan region code?

It's a shame if it's the Japan region code.

For a start, that's silly business for the M.E., as their buyers will now have to be importing Japanese blu-ray movies. :mellow:

I'll have a closer look on that though..

Good thing games are region free, and the DVD's region codes of Japan, also include Europe. So I may stick to DVD's, but the Blu-Ray player will be wasted. :no:


Just realized that the consoles in the Middle East are imported from Japan. Now, I just want to know, which region code applies to it, Middle East/Europe region code (B/2) or Japan region code?

It's a shame if it's the Japan region code.

For a start, that's silly business for the M.E., as their buyers will now have to be importing Japanese blu-ray movies. :mellow:

I'll have a closer look on that though..

Good thing games are region free, and the DVD's region codes of Japan, also include Europe. So I may stick to DVD's, but the Blu-Ray player will be wasted. :no:

You could always jus' wait.


Registered User
Blu-Ray & HD-DVD have officially landed:>C$cip=49591.DVD+players.htm>C$cip=49591.DVD+players.htm>C$cip=50640.Xbox+360+Peripherals.htm>C$cip=50638.Xbox+360+Consoles.htm

I hope that this puts things into perspective a little.

It's interesting that, if you calculate the total cost of buying the Full Xbox 360 system plus the External HD-DVD drive; and you get a total price of £400. Now correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this the projected price of the Full PS3 system with the built-in Blu-Ray DVD Player? :rolleyes:

And in case anyones wondering why all the links are from Argos, well Argos are usually one of the cheapest brick and mortar retailers around and I've used these examples as a guide so that some kind of price comparison can be made. ;)


Registered User
The 60GB is the only version available in the UK until December when the 20GB will be released, anyway the 60GB will cost roughly £450 and games £49.99 but they will drop to £39.99 on sites such as

Playstation 2 Online services will carry on until 2008.


Registered User
The 60GB is the only version available in the UK until December when the 20GB will be released, anyway the 60GB will cost roughly £450 and games £49.99 but they will drop to £39.99 on sites such as

Playstation 2 Online services will carry on until 2008.

Source please. :erm:

And also, exactly when in 2008 are they planning on cutting off the Playstation 2 Online services? :unsure:


Registered User
Alright, nuff' bout the PS3 console, have you seen any of the games? Motorstorm looks so good it might even be worth buying straight Japan.

Konami, how come a 60gb version in HK is around 470USD$, that's pretty cheap in comparison with other prices isn't it?


Registered User
Alright, nuff' bout the PS3 console, have you seen any of the games? Motorstorm looks so good it might even be worth buying straight Japan.

Konami, how come a 60gb version in HK is around 470USD$, that's pretty cheap in comparison with other prices isn't it?

Only £240, I know. :shocking:

It's probably cheaper down there because of the way their economy is at the moment.

They've only screwed over us Europeans because of the fact that a lot of countries here have a fully developed economy. People are more likely to be affluent down here then say in China or Japan for example.

Also got to mention that the Euro and the Pound are much stronger currencies when compared to the Japanese Yen and the Chinese Yuan Renminbi. Which is also a contributing factor towards the price.

Maybe you should have a look at for some exchange rate conversions to give you some sort of an idea of the differences between the currencies I mentioned. ;)


Registered User
I am the source, well on certain games such as BF2:MC and Killzone the cut-off date will be 2008 as my accounts have been informed, not sure about PES 6 and Socom as they are "vastly more" played than other online games, anyway Playstation 3 Online is Free, so if the PS3 is £450 that is all you have to pay for, if you got a XBOX 360 last year you would have paid around £50 on your XBOX Live account added on to the XBOX 360 (around £300 when first out) plus more money in future, there is barely anything in it.


Registered User

Game unit losses hit Sony profits

Japanese electronics giant Sony has unveiled 5.3% a drop in profits, blaming huge losses at its game unit.
Net profits for the three months to 31 December fell to 159.9bn yen ($1.3bn; £669m) from 168.9bn yen last time.

Poor sales and high costs linked to the delayed launch of its PlayStation 3 and sluggish demand for its PlayStation Portable (PSP) weighed on profits.

Costs at its game division outweighed a recovery at Sony's electronics division driven by strong flat-screen TV sales.

Despite posting a loss for the quarter, the group raised its forecasts for the year, saying it now expected operating profits for the year to March to come in at 60bn yen - compared with previous forecasts of 50bn yen.

"As a result of the strong performance of the electronics segment during the third quarter, operating results for the segment are trending higher than anticipated at the time of our previous forecast," the company said.

I suspected that this would happen. This news means that Sony can't afford to make any more losses on the PS3 - they literally have to start making money and fast.

But if you look at it from a consumer's point of view, who in their right mind would pay £425 for a game/home media console? Only the very rich could afford one and let's face it, there aren't enough rich people in this country alone to boost Sony's profits. I could say the same for everyone else in Europe too.

The people that will boost PS3 sales are in fact the people who are known as your 'average joe'. I mean, can your average joe afford to pay £425 for something that may be obsolete in 5 years time? Or something that may even break down (like the PS2 lasers did)? I don't think so. I also have to mention that the repair costs would go through the roof for a PS3 if such laser problems occurred again. :shocking:

My conclusions from this are that this is essentially good news for the consumers. It basically means that Sony can no longer demand the £425 RRP when sales start to slow down, which they will because of the high price.

There will of course be a surge of sales during the first few months of release as the hardcore fans will be looking to grab their hands on a PS3 console ASAP but the ‘average joe’ will give it a miss until the price becomes affordable.

I personally think that there will be a price drop on the 60 gig console before the end of the year. They have to though, don’t they? How else are they going to attract more sales once the hardcore fans have got their hands on a PS3 console? Trust me, PS3 sales will slow down once the initial batch of consoles sell during the first few months.

I can't be sure as to how much the price will drop by but I'm guessing it will definitely be £399.99 or slightly cheaper than that before the year ends. Remember, you heard this here first. ;)


Registered User
As I said before there won't be much difference in price between XBOX360 and PS3, I made a post very clear a few months back saying for £549.99 you are getting a PS3 with 3 games, but the games cost £49.99 each so take away £150 for the games and the console is around £400